Info on Bigsby experience !
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- Fakir Mustache
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I admit I poasted irrelevant nonsense.izodiak wrote:So this bloke just dosnt know what he is talking about. Break angles...
I finally tried this on my Ibanez AS73T. It was easier to change the strings than I expected. The strings are a couple of mm floating above the tension bar. The angle is pretty small, it would have been a slightly deeper angle if the guitar had a B6/B60 on. The strings didn't pop out as there is a roller bridge.
I did notice a bit less sustain acoustically, and maybe a tiny bit more fret buzz on the low strings acoustically. However, once I plugged it in and turned up the distortion, it was negligible.
Here's the good part: great control over the Bigsby. I could easily do a precise whole note bend down or semitone up and it feels really tactile. Doesn't go out of tune either.
With the strings under the tension bar the control was very poor. It felt like you're pushing/pulling a lever that's connected to at least one other lever.
Ultimately what I think is that most guitars have the wrong Bigsby on. I've seen tons of people on forums with B3s on their Pro Jets and no ill effects. I bet most ES-335 type guitars would work with a B6/B60 too.
Even that Duesenberg thing that attaches to the tailpiece (and similar things by other makers) is better than a B5/B50.
- Fakir Mustache
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- westtexasred
- Shortscale Cultural Minister
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I’ve been getting to know a new B50 the past few days. Did all the usual stuff like roller bridge, graphite in the nut blah blah blah and it was still shit at holding it’s tuning. BUT putting the strings over the tension bar completely changed it and it works really well now (also strings are nicer to play because of less break angle at the bridge). Not as good as a jazzy trem but close, and I’ve put the regular bridge back on instead of the roller because they sound like shit. Holds tune just as well.
If you don’t have an arched top you might not get away with it but yeah FUCK AN TENSION BAR. Might remove it altogether cos I think it’ll look cool.
Def rate Bigsbys now. Have a super squishy spring arriving tomorrow too.
Also changing strings is piss
If you don’t have an arched top you might not get away with it but yeah FUCK AN TENSION BAR. Might remove it altogether cos I think it’ll look cool.
Def rate Bigsbys now. Have a super squishy spring arriving tomorrow too.
Also changing strings is piss
The Les Trem?Fakir Mustache wrote:Even that Duesenberg thing that attaches to the tailpiece (and similar things by other makers) is better than a B5/B50. ... ne-o-matic
They used to be independent from Dusenberg, so they must have bought them and the rights to produce them. Always been interested to try one but no longer have any stop-tail guitars they'd make sense on.

Brandon W wrote:you elites.
- Fakir Mustache
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- Posts: 4362
- Joined: Wed Sep 25, 2013 5:23 pm
There are other ones, like this one (spring goes right on the top??):ekwatts wrote:The Les Trem?Fakir Mustache wrote:Even that Duesenberg thing that attaches to the tailpiece (and similar things by other makers) is better than a B5/B50. ... ne-o-matic
They used to be independent from Dusenberg, so they must have bought them and the rights to produce them. Always been interested to try one but no longer have any stop-tail guitars they'd make sense on.

There was also one sold by Stewart McDonald at one time. May or may not have been the same as above.
Schaller, replaces bridge:

70s Bowan tailpiece:

Ok, finally after 2,5 years not doing nothing with my gear
...again starting to play and got a nice deal on ebay for 180euros a nice red Gretsch Jet Club

gonna get it from Germany next week, so then if the pickups dont need to be changed first, gonna put on this (the Less Trem) looks really nice !

gonna get it from Germany next week, so then if the pickups dont need to be changed first, gonna put on this (the Less Trem) looks really nice !
kim wrote:plankton people will be plankton people
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I started this and I wanted to say, that I went to a store that was closing and they were trying to sell all off their gear for nice prices
and I fell in love with this Cort guitar with an bigsby B70, and it sounds better than any of Gretsch electromatics I have tried. Got it only for 250euros totally new.
Cort is a brand with some bad history yes, enslavement of workers etc, is that true ? :/

Compered to the cheap gretsches I tried this one has all nice lacquer and the nut is good, and stays in tune, Im a bit surprised, pots are good quality etc., etc....
and I fell in love with this Cort guitar with an bigsby B70, and it sounds better than any of Gretsch electromatics I have tried. Got it only for 250euros totally new.
Cort is a brand with some bad history yes, enslavement of workers etc, is that true ? :/

Compered to the cheap gretsches I tried this one has all nice lacquer and the nut is good, and stays in tune, Im a bit surprised, pots are good quality etc., etc....
kim wrote:plankton people will be plankton people
yes, its really nice ! My Epi Casino P90s sounded like sh*t !Doog wrote:Cort are fucking sick guitars, and that's a beaut; nice one!
Not heard about their shitty human rights stuff though :c
When I started to play music my friends said that Cort and Aria are total crap.
But really happy + deal !
I heard that they abused workers, but that was some lad on Youtube,
as far as Im searched now havent found anything.
First under 800euros guitar that is nicely finished and a good nut and good bridge and tuners..really happy.
Afraid of the band but that should be no reason to get worried as I understand. Really nice 60s sound, ahh, good feelings !
kim wrote:plankton people will be plankton people
Cort is one of the biggest manufacturers of guitars in the world, I don't know about now but about ten years ago it was the biggest. Almost all guitars it produces are for other brands. Most guitars that were made in Indonesia and Korea were made by Cort afaik. Chances are that Gretsches are made by Cort too. I had two Corts and played about a dozen, they were exceptionally well made guitars quality wise. As far as the workers abuse is concerned... Cort is a South Korean company and South Korea is notorious for anti workers, overly exploiting policies employed as a norm by companies there. This fact is usually overlooked because in contrast to this in neighboring North Korea people are so happy that they die from hunger and from not loving their glorious leader enough
matte30is wrote:Someone man up and get a balloon.