So, here's my new EP (for charity!). It's a sort of anthology thing, like movies such as The Twilight Zone, Tales From The Crypt and, uh, Love Actually.
The common thread (apart from my warbly voice) is MODERN EVERYDAY HORROR. Like a ghost train of sociopolitical unrest, poor self-image and baseline anxiety. Sounds nice, eh? Don't worry, its all still pop hooks and knowing winks to camera aplenty.
100% of proceeds will go to charity, split between Mind, Shelter, and the RSPCA.
So your flat iTunes rate, your pay-what-you-want Bandcamp purchase or the fractions on a penny Spotify coughs-up, will be going to places that'll make the world a bit less scary.

(Bandcamp link, if that's your jam: http://andrewfloss.bandcamp.com/releases)