One of those weeks

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One of those weeks

Post by NickS »

I dragged my HH VS bass combo out of the garage and found it was slightly buzzy. No, not a wasp nest. I dragged the vintage HH speaker out and it got worse. Apparently leaving them in a damp place for a while can result in corrosion in the voice coil gap, so it's game over; a shame given that apparently they were very sensitive for their day; I've seen a figure of 101 dB (presumably 1W, 1m). Nobody seems to have the Thiele-Small parameters for this speaker so I thought I'd try to establish the free-air resonance frequency and maybe the Q.
20191211_154849.jpg (2.77 MiB) Viewed 180 times
Of course my old oscillator needs two PP3 batteries. I have some rechargeables. Turns out only one of the 3 is any good. Maybe I could do something with this old multi-rail power supply (Android wants that to be a multi-racial power supply). 5 minutes later...
20191211_154823.jpg (2.06 MiB) Viewed 180 times
That's the input filter cap on the PSU, that was.. I might take a break from this after fixing the PSU.
Last edited by NickS on Wed Apr 20, 2022 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by NickS »

Well, I settled for one of those reasonably-priced QTX bass speakers from whybuynew (though it is new, apparently).
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I notice it does seem to have taken a slight whack at some point, but I'm hoping that it won't affect anything.
HH_Bass_speaker_dent.jpg (560.29 KiB) Viewed 179 times
I've also replaced the cracked and broken plastic and steel handles with reasonably-priced all-steel steel handles from Blue Aran
HH_Bass_Handle.jpg (259.75 KiB) Viewed 179 times
This is where one of the original wheels tore out.. not quite sure how to address that.
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This is where the replacement tore out....
HH_Bass_Damage2.jpg (250.1 KiB) Viewed 179 times
Edit: Rehosted pics.