Talk to me about Fender amps
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- Freddy V-C
- Posts: 5591
- Joined: Sun May 17, 2009 4:55 pm
Talk to me about Fender amps
I've decided 2020 is the year that I sell most of the mountains of cheap gear I own, and buy a small amount of Actually Goodâ„¢ gear in its place. I've managed to buy an Actually Goodâ„¢ guitar quicker than expected after haggling my car insurance down by a few hundred quid. The next port of call is amps, although I'm in no major hurry.
I've been playing through an Orange CR120 head and a WEM 2x12 for the past couple of years. The WEM is unbelievably beaten up, but sounds decent. I have to EQ the Orange a crazy amount to get it sounding the way I like, but whenever I play through a Fender amp I'm immediately like "yup, that's the sound". So I think I've basically spent two and a half years just trying to make an Orange sound like a Fender.
When we recorded the Beige Palace LP, I borrowed a Fender Twin and a Marshall 4x12. I gotta say, it was lit. So my aim is to put together a similar rig, although I suspect a Twin is probably outside my price range.
It seems like you can pick up a Marshall 4x12 all day on Gumtree for sub-£150 - I am eternally grateful to all the mams of teenage bedroom shredders selling all their stuff now they've moved out and gotten proper jobs - so that's no concern. Amps-wise I was initially thinking I'd get a Bassbreaker head (I've played through a couple of the combos and I'm a big fan), but I doubt the 7 watt version would be loud enough for me, and the 15 seems expensive for what it is.
So I'm researching other options. Unfortunately I know basically nothing about Fenders because I've always owned "British-voiced" (I guess) amps; Vox, Orange, Marshall, Laney. Please talk to me about Fender amps like I'm a little dumb idiot clueless baby.
Stray observations so far:
- I like the look of a Pro Junior (fewer knobs is almost always good) and they seem to be fairly cheap second hand, but they don't seem to have any kind of speaker output. Are there any other similarly minimal Fender models?
- A Bassman head seems like the obvious choice if I'm playing through a cab anyway, but it seems like they rarely come up for less than £800 or so, which is a fair bit more than I'd like to spend. Is that right, or am I just looking in the wrong places?
- I've spotted a 2001 Twin in decent nick for under £400. Every other Twin I've seen has been £550+, in fact mostly £1000+. Was 2001 a particularly bad year for amps or something? Or should I snap this up immediately?
I've been playing through an Orange CR120 head and a WEM 2x12 for the past couple of years. The WEM is unbelievably beaten up, but sounds decent. I have to EQ the Orange a crazy amount to get it sounding the way I like, but whenever I play through a Fender amp I'm immediately like "yup, that's the sound". So I think I've basically spent two and a half years just trying to make an Orange sound like a Fender.
When we recorded the Beige Palace LP, I borrowed a Fender Twin and a Marshall 4x12. I gotta say, it was lit. So my aim is to put together a similar rig, although I suspect a Twin is probably outside my price range.
It seems like you can pick up a Marshall 4x12 all day on Gumtree for sub-£150 - I am eternally grateful to all the mams of teenage bedroom shredders selling all their stuff now they've moved out and gotten proper jobs - so that's no concern. Amps-wise I was initially thinking I'd get a Bassbreaker head (I've played through a couple of the combos and I'm a big fan), but I doubt the 7 watt version would be loud enough for me, and the 15 seems expensive for what it is.
So I'm researching other options. Unfortunately I know basically nothing about Fenders because I've always owned "British-voiced" (I guess) amps; Vox, Orange, Marshall, Laney. Please talk to me about Fender amps like I'm a little dumb idiot clueless baby.
Stray observations so far:
- I like the look of a Pro Junior (fewer knobs is almost always good) and they seem to be fairly cheap second hand, but they don't seem to have any kind of speaker output. Are there any other similarly minimal Fender models?
- A Bassman head seems like the obvious choice if I'm playing through a cab anyway, but it seems like they rarely come up for less than £800 or so, which is a fair bit more than I'd like to spend. Is that right, or am I just looking in the wrong places?
- I've spotted a 2001 Twin in decent nick for under £400. Every other Twin I've seen has been £550+, in fact mostly £1000+. Was 2001 a particularly bad year for amps or something? Or should I snap this up immediately?
- Freddy V-C
- Posts: 5591
- Joined: Sun May 17, 2009 4:55 pm
I feel like the Orange is kind of unusable with the treble anywhere below 2 or 3 o' clock, or with the bass anywhere above 9 or 10 o' clock. And even then, it doesn't "twang" quite as much as I'd like. I haven't played through many Fender amps, but when I have, it always seems to sound good regardless of where I set the EQ. Nice low end presence without it getting boomy, etc etc.
I generally have my amp set clean, but I like a small amount of break up. The Orange sounds kind of brittle and sterile, and not in a good way. I guess that's just how solid state amps sound, but then again my favourite sounding amp I've owned was a solid state Marshall Lead 100 (sold because it was old as fuck and the input capacitor kept blowing and costing me ~£50 annually to get replaced) so fuck.
I want something loud, clean, and bright, but not icepicky.
I generally have my amp set clean, but I like a small amount of break up. The Orange sounds kind of brittle and sterile, and not in a good way. I guess that's just how solid state amps sound, but then again my favourite sounding amp I've owned was a solid state Marshall Lead 100 (sold because it was old as fuck and the input capacitor kept blowing and costing me ~£50 annually to get replaced) so fuck.
I want something loud, clean, and bright, but not icepicky.
I really really really want one of those new 68 custom vibrolux
I’m selling stuff imminently to get one
Don’t get a twin. It will ruin your life carrying it around. The pro and blues junior amps are wank and very thin in a full band. It won’t be loud and clean enough for what you’re after.
I’m selling stuff imminently to get one
Don’t get a twin. It will ruin your life carrying it around. The pro and blues junior amps are wank and very thin in a full band. It won’t be loud and clean enough for what you’re after.
The reason I ask is I have it in my head that if you want clean you should go solid state...this largely comes from a anti snob thing. But I do think it's the future. Fender are nice but tubes are always going to compress and squish some what. If you want to throw fuzz and pedals through an amp and not get mush stay away from tubes.....I will get some hate with that like.Freddy V-C wrote:I feel like the Orange is kind of unusable with the treble anywhere below 2 or 3 o' clock, or with the bass anywhere above 9 or 10 o' clock. And even then, it doesn't "twang" quite as much as I'd like. I haven't played through many Fender amps, but when I have, it always seems to sound good regardless of where I set the EQ. Nice low end presence without it getting boomy, etc etc.
I generally have my amp set clean, but I like a small amount of break up. The Orange sounds kind of brittle and sterile, and not in a good way. I guess that's just how solid state amps sound, but then again my favourite sounding amp I've owned was a solid state Marshall Lead 100 (sold because it was old as fuck and the input capacitor kept blowing and costing me ~£50 annually to get replaced) so fuck.
I want something loud, clean, and bright, but not icepicky.
This is why I’d suggest the vibrolux because it’ll have a bit more headroom. The deluxe might break up a bit too soon for Freddies needs. I can’t wait to get one honestly.Nick wrote:Just get a 68 Custom Deluxe Reverb and call it a day. It has both a bassman and deluxe channel. They both have access to the tremolo and reverb, and can be bridged.
I looked into this after I made my post and reread yours....I didn’t know that model existed, now I want one too! Apparently they’re both the same weight at 42lbs as well.George wrote:This is why I’d suggest the vibrolux because it’ll have a bit more headroom. The deluxe might break up a bit too soon for Freddies needs. I can’t wait to get one honestly.Nick wrote:Just get a 68 Custom Deluxe Reverb and call it a day. It has both a bassman and deluxe channel. They both have access to the tremolo and reverb, and can be bridged.
Yeah the weight and size is what does it for me, and that it's essentially a half-power Super Reverb (the Marquee Moon amp, a tone I've wanted forever).Nick wrote:I looked into this after I made my post and reread yours....I didn’t know that model existed, now I want one too! Apparently they’re both the same weight at 42lbs as well.George wrote:This is why I’d suggest the vibrolux because it’ll have a bit more headroom. The deluxe might break up a bit too soon for Freddies needs. I can’t wait to get one honestly.Nick wrote:Just get a 68 Custom Deluxe Reverb and call it a day. It has both a bassman and deluxe channel. They both have access to the tremolo and reverb, and can be bridged.
- Freddy V-C
- Posts: 5591
- Joined: Sun May 17, 2009 4:55 pm
YO WHAT THE FUCK.George wrote:Super Reverb (the Marquee Moon amp, a tone I've wanted forever)

Nah but the Vibrolux is definitely like double what I'm hoping to spend, unfortunately. I'm aiming for maybe £650 max.
Would your feelings on the Twin change if I told you that 90% of the hometown gigs we play are at a venue in the same building as our rehearsal space, where my gear lives? And for out of town shows I'm already accustomed to carrying a stupid unwieldly bass stack, so a heavy 2x12 combo is probably NBD?
Hey now! I used the knowledge dropped in that Tele thread to make an informed decision. It just might not have been the decision everyone wanted, haha.Bacchus wrote:The correct answer is the Peav....
Oh, what's the fucking point. You'll only go and buy the wrong one anyway.
For some reason I've got it in my head that these aren't generally rated very highly. Am I wrong?Noirie. wrote:I really like the Hot Rod Deluxes.
Weren't the cleanest amp when cranked but sounded amazing and drowned out the drummer. I've seen them secondhand for around £300 or so.
Last edited by Freddy V-C on Thu Jan 09, 2020 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Freddy V-C
- Posts: 5591
- Joined: Sun May 17, 2009 4:55 pm
Just seen that! Needs a bunch of work, although I do want to sound like the Sex Pistols.
"NO OFFERS DONT BOTHER MESSAGING ME Amazing sounding Fender twin from the 1970's i believe, the same type of amp as used by the Sex Pistols .The amp wasnt used by the Sex Pistols, please dont ask me one more time. Not working at present, will need new valves and maybe capacitors etc. MAYBE £150-£180 to get workin.Please dont ask me one more time for more details on this, im a graphic designer not an amp tech. Has new speakers fitted by an amp tech.This amp would get all the comments at gigs. Twin wins!No metal stand or footswitch. £800+ worth of amp history once working."
"NO OFFERS DONT BOTHER MESSAGING ME Amazing sounding Fender twin from the 1970's i believe, the same type of amp as used by the Sex Pistols .The amp wasnt used by the Sex Pistols, please dont ask me one more time. Not working at present, will need new valves and maybe capacitors etc. MAYBE £150-£180 to get workin.Please dont ask me one more time for more details on this, im a graphic designer not an amp tech. Has new speakers fitted by an amp tech.This amp would get all the comments at gigs. Twin wins!No metal stand or footswitch. £800+ worth of amp history once working."
I actually think the Twin would be fine for your needs Freddy. Most of us here just got old and care about our backs more than bein cool. I played a 1970 Twin for most of my 20’s before trading it with a friend for his 68 custom DR. It was a great amp and I still (kinda) miss it.
Also the reason many people dislike the hot rod Devilles and deluxes is the gain channel. If you’re after Fender cleans and using pedals for gain, they could also be worth checking out.
Also the reason many people dislike the hot rod Devilles and deluxes is the gain channel. If you’re after Fender cleans and using pedals for gain, they could also be worth checking out.
For the second time in a week, I've wandered in to post something, only to discover Paul already had.Bacchus wrote:The correct answer is the Peav....
Oh, what's the fucking point. You'll only go and buy the wrong one anyway.
And was then alarmed to discover Hurb talking pure trash.
So here's a controversial one: I reckon a Twin is the best value for money way of getting a brilliant Fender valve amp. They're so big, they sell cheap, much like the 4x12s you were on about earlier. And they sound amazing. And you'll get hench guns from lugging it around. I've seen loads of Twins sell for cheaper than Pricetons/DRs etc.
You'll still buy a fucking Blackstar or something though, you prick.