I’ve got a standard 2 button footswitch for my Marshall and i want to remove the cable and replace it with an input jack. Presume I need a stereo jack, but can anyone help with the wiring? Thanks in advance!
Yep, stereo jack will be fine. I'm guessing there's a jack at the amp end already. Is the plug at the amp end moulded so you can't see what colour wire goes to the tip and which to the ring? The shaft is going to be to the black wire. If moulded you could do a means of checking continuity so you can map the tip/ring/shaft at the amp end to the colours in the footswitch, because I can't find a diagram for that particular switch on line. I guess you could just take a flier on which of the red or white is tip and which is ring and swap it if wrong.
Ah, sorry, I skim-read your post as saying "if it's moulded, you have no way of opening up to check what goes where, so you'll have to trial and error it."
Thanks guys, that’s great. Yeah the amp end is moulded which is a shame, but will dig out the multimeter and if that fails will use trial and error