I bought a Sonic Blue Squier VM Mustang from Nick (via brainfur) a few years back, with an aftermarket parchment guard, stock white pickups.
...but I really wanted that crispy 'black pickups, white guard' vibe. The stock Squier pickups have non-removable covers, so I grabbed some '65 Mustang reissue pickups from eBay, and found some cheapo white scratchplate on eBay that could be bullied into fitting.
Looked good, but sounded boring, so eventually replaced the bridge unit with the middle pickup from a prewired Mighty Mite Strat scratchplate I wasn't using (plus a CIJ Jaguar neck but that's another story).
Sounded better, but not quite my tempo. It turns out, those plain pickup covers we all know and love really fuck with the top-end, and I love, crave and need top-end.
So I did a bit of search recently, and landed on the DiMarzio Cruiser; a bright humbucker that still sounds like a Strat pickup and has stealth black rails poking out of the cover. Sick. Let's go!
Pulling-off the fucken 12s I'm using on this low-tuned Casa Bonita geetbox (note the non-flush polepieces on the Stratty bridge pickup desperately trying to escape the cover)
Strip and prepare the new pickup wires, pro as FUCK
Oh, so... the Mustang has those weird pickup routes..
Well, I guess we're gonna have an upside-down pickup then, and oᴉzɹ�ɯᴉp wil be my brand. I'll just sure I leave enough cable to make this pickup usable in other guitars, or sellable in the future..
Oh, the routes aren't deep enough to do that without setting the pickup height so high it's rubbing its face into the strings.
The shoe fits, Cinderella!
ZINGY! (direct to interface). Sounds like piezo now, I AM BECOME SHELLAC
holy shit i'm tired