I've been wondering what a humbucker would sound like in the bridge of my Jazzmaster, and having seen a similar thing done in a thread at Offsetguitars I thought I'd give it a go.
The pickup itself is a known quantity, my favourite in fact - a Bareknuckle Nailbomb, which until yesterday was in my Mustang. It's quite high output, and can be aggressive but can still pull off a fat bluesy tone if you want.
I ordered some no-hole covers:

Used an old pickup cover to drill the holes (this is the bit I got from OSG):

After a bit of filing it looked pretty good!

Yesterday I'd wired in the pup to check it fit under the cover in the route and as it was short leg it fit fine:

Used some foam under the cover to centre the pup and underneath to just keep the screws off the wood:

Raised the screws high enough to come up through the cover:

Yeah, I'm pretty chuffed with how that turned out!

2 minor niggles...the new cover is ever so slightly a different shade of off white...might have to order the same ones with holes to replace the neck cover to appease my OCD. And the pup is 50mm spacing, but I'm not going to fork out for a new one as it's actually fine.
Overall I'm really pleased - it sounds bloody great!