benecol wrote:Weird, on my computer this thread is titled "I've never tried a Staytrem Bridge".
(OG is my second best, didn't rate the Mastery. But will sell it for a lucrative sum when it's time to buy a new bike next year).
I have just had another look at the staytrem bridge. Can you tell me what advantages it offers?
To me it looks like a vintage mustang bridge. Obviously the screws are offset, which looks like a nice feature, but the jag trem can achieve the same result (strings not touching screws). The bushings Obviously will achieve the same thing as adding a bit of locktight to the posts does. Is it the material? Genuinely interested.
Mustang bridge is my fourth favourite, because it never quite seems to marry up with the JM dimensions and radius.
I like the string radius and spacing on the Mastery, I can get my JM and Jag set up just so, and it's built like a tank. I like the OG bridge, but I found I needed to go back and fettle every now and then, even if I used Loctite. And would still occasionally get strings wandering.
benecol wrote:Mustang bridge is my fourth favourite, because it never quite seems to marry up with the JM dimensions and radius.
I like the string radius and spacing on the Mastery, I can get my JM and Jag set up just so, and it's built like a tank. I like the OG bridge, but I found I needed to go back and fettle every now and then, even if I used Loctite. And would still occasionally get strings wandering.
Fair enough. It certainly looks rock solid.
I am certainly not against aftermarket bridges on anything and love modding guitars. Fuck I had a roller Bridge on the jag for the last year.The video was spured on by idots basically telling a kid the only way he could make his guitar playable was to buy another bridge. Which just comes from them not understanding the guitar in the first place.
Its the whole single coils are shit argument....its just fucking NOOOBS!
Respectfully disagree; I've had recordings and gigs fuck-up due to that fucking bridge over the years, even Locktite'D and all that shit.
Having to shim the neck to a different postcode in order to make it function properly in a modern context is nowt but a flaw, or at least an outmoded design. Do most people really use the "adjustable string-spacing" options, and not just immediately file the middle one, and also not just add some form of adhesive to the stupid grubscrews?
Aside from the ugly tapejob I did on the posts (which 100% needs re-doing), the stock Mustang-style bridge on the Squier CV has given me precisely zero problems and allows the neck to sit much more flush to the body, and keeps the strings away from the intonation screws, all with the correct radius and spacing:
Arms folded on this one, anti TPOR.
Last edited by Doog on Wed Sep 02, 2020 8:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Hurb wrote:I just posted this on the same facebook group that sparked the video in the first place...5 minutes in I am being told that I am wrong and a buzz stop is the genuine fix. I then got banned from posting and my post deleted....I mean I am trying to help you fucking losers here!! wtf
lol to the fucking wut?
leo was no musician, but he was a pretty spectacularly precise engineer. what the jag/jm bridge "suffers" from is that precision itself given that most guitar players are anything but precise. having proper setup on a guitar, as we all know, is pretty forgiving on some instruments, and they're usually hard/stop tail bridges and assume you're in standard tuning. when you do more and/or want more options from your playing, the margin for error is going to shrink.
the multi-slotted string saddles are a perfect example. is there another mass produced guitar that offers this? it does assume some things (like that you won't mess it up for starters) and can create some problems for people who don't understand them, but i actually have come to love this on my avri. i like being able to vary the spacing between strings as it serves arpeggios really well. it's not a need, but makes the experience unique and potentially better. who thinks of this?
as for the fb group kicking you out... social media is a toilet filled with cry baby turds. hearing that their $30 piece of chrome is ugly and unnecessary is too much for them to handle i guess.
Hurb wrote:I just posted this on the same facebook group that sparked the video in the first place...5 minutes in I am being told that I am wrong and a buzz stop is the genuine fix. I then got banned from posting and my post deleted....I mean I am trying to help you fucking losers here!! wtf
lol to the fucking wut?
leo was no musician, but he was a pretty spectacularly precise engineer. what the jag/jm bridge "suffers" from is that precision itself given that most guitar players are anything but precise. having proper setup on a guitar, as we all know, is pretty forgiving on some instruments, and they're usually hard/stop tail bridges and assume you're in standard tuning. when you do more and/or want more options from your playing, the margin for error is going to shrink.
Nail on here! I think that describes it perfectly the Jag was a high end instrument designed for professionals. I guess Leo thought he could get complicated for the pros, giving many options for tweaking. Which is why it failed probably. Most people Don't want to have to fuck about!
Hurb wrote:
To be fair, your bridge looks reasonably high up without the shim? Perhaps the new squiers have a different neck pocket?
Not really? There's a 1.2mm pick for reference in the gap. I guess the saddles are a different height to the vintage though (plus the deeper saddle grooves), so it gives a false impression only looking at the position of the unit itself
I guess this stuff is only an issue if shimming the neck a lot is an issue to you. When I put that Strat bridge pickup in my JM years ago, I had raise the bridge a lot in order to fit it in, which then meant shimming the neck out too, and it felt supergross to me, especially as I use my pinky to anchor my right hand a lot. It just fucked with how the guitar felt, and I undid it all the mods within the week.
While I'm happy you're weened off the old Buzzstops, this here still makes me sad.
While I don't like to sadden you, Tim, rocking bridges can get in the bin; they don't make any sense to me. They don't always end back in same position if you trem a lot, throwing off the intonation and tuning, which doesn't sound too great halfway through a song. Been there, done that, sorry Leo.
I’m late to this thread but the administrator dude for that group looks like the type of metalcore ass clown who would put fishmans in a fuckin jazzmaster or some dumb shit.
BearBoy wrote:Nazis who appear to know nothing about their supposed specialised subject.
It’s going to be like the 90s all over again...
I seriously don't get the cracked neck shit? Has anyone ever seen this ?
The guy was pretty passionate about shims being the reason but I have never ever heard of this.
You literally just posted a photo of your cracked neck pocket. Maybe it's the first time he has ever seen this part of a guitar and didnt know all you had to do is pour beer on it.