Stock "big scab" torty guard and spare Mustang bridge I had; Staytrem collet and arm still at my place

I bought it in mind to recreate that late '50s OG vibe as above, so got a US-compatible guard delivered from the Netherlands as the colour looked the best, vs. the cheaper Chinese ones on eBay:

Looks good, but needs filing-down around the neck pocket to fit. As I'm at my gf's place (GFVMP), I had to order some files (to also sort out the nut) which took a lil' while to turn up.
In the meantime, I found a super cheap still-in-plastic Fender Player guard with the lovely tort on Reverb and it dropped straight onto it, love how it looks; it calms down the kinda ugly grain on the body:

Will probs sort out the gold guard soon to try it out, but I do really love how it looks with that niiiiice tort.