Best banner - get it up.Doog wrote:
Jaguar owners opinions please
Moderated By: mods
I lived in Canada for a year in 2002, and it was 2.5 $CAN to 1 GBP. Amazing.
Personally I'd try to find a NOS or never used s/h vintage modified. Mainly because I'm not a fan of the blocks and binding. One thing to consider with buying a s/h vintage modified is that a load of people bought them when they first came out, and probably never played them because of bridge, tone, setup etc. So there's probably some minters kicking about that have never been played. I think it's prob worth keeping an eye out on FB.
Personally I'd try to find a NOS or never used s/h vintage modified. Mainly because I'm not a fan of the blocks and binding. One thing to consider with buying a s/h vintage modified is that a load of people bought them when they first came out, and probably never played them because of bridge, tone, setup etc. So there's probably some minters kicking about that have never been played. I think it's prob worth keeping an eye out on FB.
Thanks for all the info chaps. Between this thread and Doug's jazzmaster thread i decided to try the CV jag and a jazzmaster, Both guitars were good but I decided I really didn't need the high pass switch on the Jag which then lead me to thinking I'd be better off with the 3 way selector switch on the Jazzmaster rather than the on off switches on the Jag... I did buy a set of 11s so I can string it up to the lemons when I set it up over the weekend.
Last edited by dezb1 on Mon Oct 26, 2020 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Feel like I shouldn't be posting this here but:Hurb wrote:dezb1 wrote:. I did buy a set of 11s so I can string it up to the lemons when I set it up over the weekend.
Nice one. Pics?

Last edited by dezb1 on Mon Oct 26, 2020 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
GYNAdezb1 wrote:Where do guitar manufacturers get the extra oily strings?
I remember reading a Glassdoor page for the Epiphone Inspection position at the Gibson factories in TN... apparently most of their job is scraping rust and mold off the strings after they’re shipped over by sea.
I use that gorgomyte to clean my fretboards/polish my frets and that’s really lousy for black mess too, whatever kind of reaction it has with the frets to shine them up seems to really open the floodgates. I’ve started cleaning the fretboards after, erm, cleaning them.
Aug wrote:which one of you bastards sent me an ebay question asking if you can get teh kurdtz with that 64 mustang?
robertOG wrote:fran & paul are some of the original gangstas of the JS days when you'd have to say "phuck"
Well after a night of playing the Jazzmaster I'm so glad I started this thread. I know it was about Jags and not Jazzmasters but after watching Hurbs video I decided I,'d probably like the rhythm circuit (that most people seemed to say was useless) so probably the player series wasn't for me - how right this turned out to be I've pretty much been on the rhythm circuit all night - like I said in an earlier post I'm a neck pickup guy... thanks again guys.
That looks great, Dez - congrats. I know everyone, including me, goes on about all the nice custom colours but there's something super smart about a sunburst Jazzmaster or Jaguar.
Totally with you on the rhythm circuit too (and the neck pickup preference). My Jaguar's rhythm circuit sounds heavenly through a fuzz pedal. Seem to recall someone (Benecol?) saying the same about their Jazzmaster.
Totally with you on the rhythm circuit too (and the neck pickup preference). My Jaguar's rhythm circuit sounds heavenly through a fuzz pedal. Seem to recall someone (Benecol?) saying the same about their Jazzmaster.
Fran wrote:I love how this place is basic as fuck.
ekwatts wrote:I'm just going to smash it in with a hammer and hope it works. Tone is all in the fingers anyway.
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