Fast forward to this week when I spotted another '64 AA864 Bassman on eBay. After chatting a bit with the seller I took the plunge, and got it yesterday. The seller was in Bodmin, Cornwall about 60 miles from me, and I could only realistically make it down to pick it up next Friday, but he offered to drive it up yesterday! Top bloke. His friend had acquired the amp in the early seventies and then passed it onto him when he moved abroad about 30 years ago. Funnily they are both bass players and used it as a bass amp. It's pretty much all original, just the knobs and one jack socket have been replaced. Even the tubes are original! Though that's not a good thing! Switched out the pre-amp tubes and it's nice and quiet...need to do the power tubes and get it re-biased. It's a bit worn, but actually not too bad for a 56 year old amp! Need to spend some time cleaning it up properly. Production stamp puts it at a Nov '64 assembly. Just serviced and recapped in July this year. One of the best things is that it's a proper export version so switchable to 240V and no need for an external transformer.
Got it home, plugged it in and it sounded just as good as I remember James' sounding. Really happy. Not letting this one go.