I must say, at first I wasn't that impressed by the Iridium. It sounded kind of flat and sterile. The only thing that really impressed me was the room knob, which does give it a real sense of space.
But after a few months of tweaking and trying out different IRs, I'm really quite impressed with it. I use the Deluxe Reverb amp 100% of the time, and I found a 1x12 Fat IR setting hidden in the software, which I now use pretty much exclusively unless I need a touch more bite and clarity.
Here's a little sample just to hear what's going on: http://www.dropbox.com/s/0mgnssiqamgbn ... k.mp3?dl=0
This is the normal 1x12, not the fat, but it gets the point across. OD comes from a Plumes just set to a tiny bit of gain, but set as a boost.
Anyone else have an IR thingy and have any tips to getting the most out of it?]