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part 1
Another week another demo.
Another week another demo.
Last edited by Hurb on Sun Apr 11, 2021 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
great demo and to see those things in a pedal is sweet. I have clouds in my eurorack and its one of my favourite modules. I bought a module so I can play my guitar in to it so I can have similar fun, the one thing the pedal misses though is the ability to patch invisible hands (lfo's, envelope filters, sequencers) to the controls so you can have even more madness. Love the MS20 filter as well. I should try and record some stuff for the next electronic music comp on it.
plopswagon wrote:I like teles and strats because they're made out of guitar.
robroe wrote:I dont need a capo. I have the other chords in my tonefingers
Having the exact same conversation with some one on discord. Another Synth guy. And while I totally see the argument...having more stuff going on scares me a bit! Also something that I didn't miss not knowing it should be there(if that makes sense) until he mentioned it. Still not sure how much its needed on guitar pedal. The small nimbus you can plug an expression into it for pitch know control.lorez wrote:great demo and to see those things in a pedal is sweet. I have clouds in my eurorack and its one of my favourite modules. I bought a module so I can play my guitar in to it so I can have similar fun, the one thing the pedal misses though is the ability to patch invisible hands (lfo's, envelope filters, sequencers) to the controls so you can have even more madness. Love the MS20 filter as well. I should try and record some stuff for the next electronic music comp on it.
its great for the ambient evolving stuff and can get you in to territories you will never visit again which is annoying and beguiling at the same time. But that is the same for a lot of eurorack stuff, happy accidents everywhere and just hoping you were recordingHurb wrote:Having the exact same conversation with some one on discord. Another Synth guy. And while I totally see the argument...having more stuff going on scares me a bit! Also something that I didn't miss not knowing it should be there(if that makes sense) until he mentioned it. Still not sure how much its needed on guitar pedal. The small nimbus you can plug an expression into it for pitch know control.lorez wrote:great demo and to see those things in a pedal is sweet. I have clouds in my eurorack and its one of my favourite modules. I bought a module so I can play my guitar in to it so I can have similar fun, the one thing the pedal misses though is the ability to patch invisible hands (lfo's, envelope filters, sequencers) to the controls so you can have even more madness. Love the MS20 filter as well. I should try and record some stuff for the next electronic music comp on it.
looking forward to the drone part. Also, can you route the different parts through each other? Also what was the price of it?
plopswagon wrote:I like teles and strats because they're made out of guitar.
robroe wrote:I dont need a capo. I have the other chords in my tonefingers
Cheers Thom.Thom wrote:Great demo, so much going on! Don’t think I’d have the patience to get the most out of it, but would love a play for fun.
Worst of all it ships with no instructions! (yes I know!) Thankfully there is plenty online about clouds in the eurorack form to piece it all together! Actually once you get your head around it, its layout/function is about as simple as I think it could be.
That's a brilliant video. That pedal is full of fun and definitely a gateway drug to eurorack if you're not careful. Does the synth part normalise through filter and clouds? Can you have the drone separate and just have the guitar through the filter or clouds?
Also where did you get all the extra footage? Really atmospheric
Also where did you get all the extra footage? Really atmospheric
plopswagon wrote:I like teles and strats because they're made out of guitar.
robroe wrote:I dont need a capo. I have the other chords in my tonefingers
Not sure what you mean with normalise?lorez wrote:That's a brilliant video. That pedal is full of fun and definitely a gateway drug to eurorack if you're not careful. Does the synth part normalise through filter and clouds? Can you have the drone separate and just have the guitar through the filter or clouds?
Also where did you get all the extra footage? Really atmospheric
There is a left and right out so perhaps you can send drone to one unaffected to one amp and guitar effected to another but not 100%. No option on pedal as far as I can tell.
The stock footage was from one of the many free stock video sites. Amazing that it's all free to use. Although the shot of the boy in the fox mask I shot, it's my son and he was well chuffed to be in my video lol ðŸ˜â€
Foxboy definitely made it 
Normalised means the stand path of the signal through the units. so drone would have to go through the filter and then through clouds for example. I see you said there was no instructions so hard to tell without much experimentation.

Normalised means the stand path of the signal through the units. so drone would have to go through the filter and then through clouds for example. I see you said there was no instructions so hard to tell without much experimentation.
plopswagon wrote:I like teles and strats because they're made out of guitar.
robroe wrote:I dont need a capo. I have the other chords in my tonefingers
Ah ok, then it's drone, filter, cloudslorez wrote:Foxboy definitely made it
Normalised means the stand path of the signal through the units. so drone would have to go through the filter and then through clouds for example. I see you said there was no instructions so hard to tell without much experimentation.

From his website
cool. I'll take a look at the site. It would be interesting to see what the dark drone generator is based on. All the Mutable Instruments stuff is open source which is pretty cool and so many people use the code for their stuff
plopswagon wrote:I like teles and strats because they're made out of guitar.
robroe wrote:I dont need a capo. I have the other chords in my tonefingers