I am going to give it a sand smooth and then a 4th coat.
Someone asked on instagram if I plan on clear coating it and I am not entirely sure what to do in that reguard.
Speaking of guards I am in talks with someone to make me a black anodised aluminium guard with Jaguar switches instead of a toggle.
Just saw your pic on insta and it looks amazing. I reckon a black anodised guard would be quality too. Personally I’d always pick a toggle over Jag switches though.
Thom wrote:Just saw your pic on insta and it looks amazing. I reckon a black anodised guard would be quality too. Personally I’d always pick a toggle over Jag switches though.
100% knew the switches would be unpopular! its partially for the look. But on my black jag I have wired it with series parallel mod and I really like it. Plus having the strangle switch will be cool.
Thom wrote:Yeah fair play, I had the series/parallel mod on my old Jag when I had P90s in it and it sounded huge. What pickups are you putting in this one?
Not sure. I used to really like my antiquity II's I used to have.
Yeah that might a good shout. I tried a little renaissance wax on some scrap I tried the stain on first and it kinda lifted the stain off. So I am going to have to be careful.
Thom wrote:Yeah fair play, I had the series/parallel mod on my old Jag when I had P90s in it and it sounded huge. What pickups are you putting in this one?
Not sure. I used to really like my antiquity II's I used to have.
Cool. Probably not your thing but I’ve got a Jazzy Vmod bridge pup in my parts box you can have for cheepz if you need.
Thom wrote:Yeah fair play, I had the series/parallel mod on my old Jag when I had P90s in it and it sounded huge. What pickups are you putting in this one?
Not sure. I used to really like my antiquity II's I used to have.
Cool. Probably not your thing but I’ve got a Jazzy Vmod bridge pup in my parts box you can have for cheepz if you need.
Cheers Thom. Yeah I should be sensible and accept the kind offer...but I am going to have to stick to the traditional jazzmaster pickup construction for this one.
Doog wrote:I personally love keeping the metal screws against black; Puisheen's 'Vader' is such a beast that I always look to longingly:
Yeah good example!
You can get a cheapo black trem and bridge from amazon and reverb. Rather than the anodised mastery stuff that will be fuck ton expensive.