First of all, I've bought into the HM-2 hype and bought a clone (the Eyemaster). It doesn't have the EQ controls, but my understanding is that it basically has them both all the way up, all the time (i.e. the Swedish death metal "chainsaw" tone). I didn't fancy paying Boss prices and I trust the construction of this more than the Behringer.
Secondly, I've been eyeing up chorus pedals for a while. Lewis (other guitarist in Thank) has a chorus which he leaves switched on literally all the time, and while we were tracking the LP last month I was really into some of the tones he was getting. The June-60 piqued my interest because it's based on the Roland Juno-60 chorus, plus I'm a big fan of simplicity, so I like the idea of two modes with a simple on/off for each and no other controls. It also looks cool as hell with the faux wood panelling, which works in its favour because I am a deeply shallow man.
Here they both are on the board. It's a bit of a tight squeeze so I've had to have a general revamp. Bought some flat-headed patch cables so my pedals can sit closer together, and replaced my old Johnnyshredfreak daisy chain with a Gear4Music one which doesn't need its own unit mounted on the board like the JSF did (and still puts out 2000mA which should be plenty I think). Signal chain is Boss DD3 > Mooer Pure Octave > TC Electronic Eyemaster > Tomsline Black Teeth > TC Electronic June-60 > Behringer TU300.

I've only played these at bedroom volume through the Vox Pathfinder so far. Excited to try them through my Peavey Classic 50 - moving into a new rehearsal space either this weekend or next weekend (!) so hopefully it won't be long.
So far I'm really into mode 1 on the June-60, less into mode 2 but I can imagine having both modes on simultaneously will be good for noise freakouts. Not much opportunity for noise freakouts living in a terraced house, sadly.
The Eyemaster is obviously very over the top, but it has much more scope for subtlety than I expected from the demos I've seen (possibly because I'm using single coils?). The sweep on the gain knob is actually pretty varied, although I expect I'll mostly keep it near the upper end. Intending to use this as my high gain tone and the Black Teeth (RAT clone) as a lighter overdrive from now on. Really into the chainsaw sound, in some ways it almost feels like a more musical version of a velcro fuzz type of sound.