Instantly smitten, and not just because it looks so good.
It manages to cover hyper-scooped Muff sounds to fat, almost 'cocked wah' midrangey shit, as well as overbiased glitchies, octave-up and some chunky overdrive sounds. The 'equaliser' control changes per mode, so you get waaaaaay more variety across the pedal than you normally would in your standard fuzz.
Any dirt pedal that sounds good 'direct to board' on headphones (how I've been demoing it) will sound amazing into a real amp and this fits me SO well; considering DBA's lineage, the Apocalypse has some very warm ORGANIC sounds as well as some harsh shit- will try and do a super simple demo at some point soon.
While not super affordable, I feel like this can replace a lot of boxes in my ever-growing fuzzstable, which has got preeeeeetty big in the advent of lockdown boredom.