NPD: Zoom GFX707 II

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NPD: Zoom GFX707 II

Post by NickS »

So a Zoom GFX707 II has been hanging about on FB marketplace for a week or so. Then it was reduced to £25 at which point I thought it was worth picking up for my older son, who has decided to see if he can learn guitar, as it would give him a basic rhythm machine. I already had the the original GFX707 and had modded it for an external rhythm machine start/stop switch. Having looked at the additional features I've decided to keep the Mk. II and let my son have the Mk. I.

The rhythm machine now has some intro and outro patterns, and these can be associated with specific patches. I'm looking forward to playing with that. Another feature is that you can extend the 6 seconds (!) of looper time using a SmartMedia card of 16 - 64 MB. I do not have a SmartMedia card and I don't know that it's worth risking buying a second-hand one from Ebay.

Other things have taken priority this weekend but I hope to report back with pictures shortly..
Last edited by NickS on Wed Apr 20, 2022 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by NickS »

Well, slightly disappointed so far. The expression pedal is a bit loose, as if the plastic bearings that the pivot bolt runs through are worn. The nine new Intro rhythms all seem a bit naff and the six Ending rhythms are remarkably unremarkable, one of them being a single drum beat.
Here's the thing
GFX707-II.png (966.78 KiB) Viewed 534 times
As you can see, I fitted a temporary jack socket for a rhythm start/stop footswitch as I did with the GFX 707. It also has an Aux input.
GFX707-II-external_jack.png (845.52 KiB) Viewed 534 times
There's the SmartMedia card slot, hiding under the battery cover.
GFX707-II-smartmedia_slot.png (832.57 KiB) Viewed 534 times
Edit: Rehosted pics
Last edited by NickS on Wed Apr 20, 2022 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dots »

is the difference between the OG model and Mk. II great enough that memory can't be copied over? i say this knowing nothing about the difficulty such a feat would carry.
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Post by Thom »

Sorry you’re a bit disappointed. I’ve been thinking about picking up a mkI 707 for purely nostalgic reasons, I used that pedal for ages.
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Post by NickS »

I think I regret giving my son the Mk. I, I should have let him have this. I'll have to investigate the bearings another time. I think the previous owner tried to fix the problem by tightening up the bearing bolt till it squeaked.

There is no removable memory on the Mk. I.
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Post by Doog »

Aw boo. Don't you still have that Trio+ I sold you? Seems like that's gotta be a less disappointing 'band-in-a-box' solution??
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Post by NickS »

Doog wrote:Aw boo. Don't you still have that Trio+ I sold you? Seems like that's gotta be a less disappointing 'band-in-a-box' solution??
Yes, but 'band-in-a-box' is not what I was after in this case. I have been using the Zoom as a simple drum machine when doing Jamkazam practices with the bassist or with the bassist and keyboardist. The ability to select a basic rhythm and tempo quickly for 15 - 20 songs in a session is handy. I could probably use the Yamaha keyboard but I don't have foot-switch stop/start capability on that.
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Post by Doog »

Ah, I gotcha.
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Post by NickS »

Just for a laugh I spent £6 on a second-hand 16 MB SmartMedia card to increase the looper time from 6 seconds to several minutes - highly recommended. Also, Andy, I bought 3 momentary action footswitches to make a footswitch for the Digitech Trio Plus.

Drawback; cannot use drum machine and looper on the 707-II at the same time
Last edited by NickS on Wed Apr 20, 2022 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Doog »

NickS wrote: Also, Andy, I bought 3 momentary action footswitches to make a footswitch for the Digitech Trio Plus
Very nice! I've been using my NUX Loop Core Deluxe With Cheese more and more of late (proving very handy for video demoing) and the supplementary footswitch functionality is so conducive to such a tool feeling natural part of your "workflow", rather than a clunky distraction.