Apparently a clone of the Moog DFAM, and as low-down as that might be, I'm probably looking at getting one if that's true.
Behringer Edge
Moderated By: mods
Behringer Edge

Brandon W wrote:you elites.
Re: Behringer Edge
like some of the other clones they have added features. I had a dfam and while I really liked it I did wish it had midi. This now does. I will probably end up buying one as well. I have the Crave and its a great synth, sounds different to the M32 (different oscillators and filters) and I expect this to use the same oscillators and filters as the Crave.
For less than £300 you can have both the crave and the edge and if you were buying the Moogs you would have to pay £700 more. I think that these two synths will open up the synth market to so many more people. they are great to learn on and also sound great.
I don't understand the bit around people getting upset about the cloning of other synths. We've had it in the guitar world forever, how many versions of a strat are there? How many versions of a big muff or a tube screamer? People saying they don't do any R&D don't realise that they do say they can make the parts and chips which are obsolete and then supplying them to the other makers. Also, no one really complains about the Behringer Super Fuzz being so brilliant and a rip off of Boss Hyper Fuzz. I think its elitism and snobbery.
For less than £300 you can have both the crave and the edge and if you were buying the Moogs you would have to pay £700 more. I think that these two synths will open up the synth market to so many more people. they are great to learn on and also sound great.
I don't understand the bit around people getting upset about the cloning of other synths. We've had it in the guitar world forever, how many versions of a strat are there? How many versions of a big muff or a tube screamer? People saying they don't do any R&D don't realise that they do say they can make the parts and chips which are obsolete and then supplying them to the other makers. Also, no one really complains about the Behringer Super Fuzz being so brilliant and a rip off of Boss Hyper Fuzz. I think its elitism and snobbery.
plopswagon wrote:I like teles and strats because they're made out of guitar.
robroe wrote:I dont need a capo. I have the other chords in my tonefingers
Re: Behringer Edge
It's sort of case by case isn't it? Some of the synth stuff was a bit scummy because they lifted work from a community of people, and the "clones" aren't exactly 1-to-1 replicas, so while they are making equipment affordable, they aren't bringing back/preserving the circuits the way obsessives some would like.
I think in most cases, cheap versions aren't competing in the same market bracket, and probably only increase demand and cachet for the "real thing".
The FZ-2 is probably sky-rocketing in price because there's a plastic version wetting everyone's appetite, if Boss rereleased it, people would probably still clamor for "vintage". That's a bit different though, a pedal that's been out of production for nearly 25 years, based on a fuzz circuit that was already 20 years old at that point. That's a different kettle of morality to making a straight clone of the Arturia Keystep and undercutting their very affordable price.
I think in most cases, cheap versions aren't competing in the same market bracket, and probably only increase demand and cachet for the "real thing".
The FZ-2 is probably sky-rocketing in price because there's a plastic version wetting everyone's appetite, if Boss rereleased it, people would probably still clamor for "vintage". That's a bit different though, a pedal that's been out of production for nearly 25 years, based on a fuzz circuit that was already 20 years old at that point. That's a different kettle of morality to making a straight clone of the Arturia Keystep and undercutting their very affordable price.
Re: Behringer Edge
Yeah, for me there's no real issue with making copies/clones of discontinued pedals, synths etc but copying stuff that's still in production is a bit of a shitty move.
Fran wrote:I love how this place is basic as fuck.
ekwatts wrote:I'm just going to smash it in with a hammer and hope it works. Tone is all in the fingers anyway.
Re: Behringer Edge
Every industry does it though TBH.
Re: Behringer Edge
so you don't believe companies making strats or muff clones should be making them as well.
I don't think Arturia cared so much about the keystep copy as theirs is cheaper and also they had the new keystep 37 coming out which makes the original keystep redundant in most cases and didn't cost much more. Also, they still make a living copying other peoples synth, even ones still in production
plopswagon wrote:I like teles and strats because they're made out of guitar.
robroe wrote:I dont need a capo. I have the other chords in my tonefingers
Re: Behringer Edge
I only started getting interested in some of the more technical aspects of guitar pedals and stuff in the early 2000s, and I recall that there was a fair bit of mythologising over certain chips, diodes, etc, with this whole idea that certain methods of construction are now lost to the mists of time, or certain valves, transistors and so on are simply unobtainable now.
And it was all bollocks, really. What it came down to was that once those chips weren't required in high enough quantities (ie: for things outside of pedals, amps and so on), it's no longer cost-effective to make them, and, as far as I can tell, musical instrument companies relied on outside electrical companies to make this sort of stuff. In the distant, far flung future of 2021, things have moved on. Korg, Behringer, Electro Harmonix and others have proven that it's possible to keep these things going by sticking them in mass produced instruments and accessories that people actually want.
We talked about this with the Keystep; I think guitars are a very good comparison, to be honest, because everybody knows what a Stratocaster is. There's obviously a big market for double-cut solidbodies with three single coil pickups and a tremolo. And, gosh, there are a lot of them out there. An actual US strat is out of reach of a great many guitarists, but there are a ton of options. And that's great. There are even options that look a little too much like an actual Fender strat, and I think that's the point where most of us feel like it gets a little iffy. That's really the main issue with Behringer's Keystep rip. And it's the context that makes it feel cynical, too, since you look online at the synths Behringer had put out at that point (some original, some "clones" (except, even then, usually with enough actual differences to justify themselves)) and pretty much everyone is using an Arturia Keystep with them. It was a gap in the Behringer line, and one that was ripe for them to make some easy cash by bringing out a competitor that basically did the exact same things just as conveniently. Which, in and of itself, isn't a bad thing at all. But to literally copy the form factor, knob placement, etc... That was a headline grab.
As for the Edge, it might be mostly a copy of the DFAM, but I feel like the budget-conscious synth purchaser and the Moog fanboy sonic experimenter simply aren't spending the same amount of money per item. It's not that there isn't any crossover at all, obviously there is, but it's also not like there are that many DFAM-alike instruments out there, either. If you want a Moog, you're gonna get a Moog. If you want a completely analog drum/bass synth to mess about with to see what the fuss is about, now you have that option.
I might have come across dismissive in my first post, but I think it's a great item. It's also cool that the Crave is getting another identical form factor friend. I'd like to see a whole bunch of semi-modular Crave/Edge sound modules in the future.
And it was all bollocks, really. What it came down to was that once those chips weren't required in high enough quantities (ie: for things outside of pedals, amps and so on), it's no longer cost-effective to make them, and, as far as I can tell, musical instrument companies relied on outside electrical companies to make this sort of stuff. In the distant, far flung future of 2021, things have moved on. Korg, Behringer, Electro Harmonix and others have proven that it's possible to keep these things going by sticking them in mass produced instruments and accessories that people actually want.
We talked about this with the Keystep; I think guitars are a very good comparison, to be honest, because everybody knows what a Stratocaster is. There's obviously a big market for double-cut solidbodies with three single coil pickups and a tremolo. And, gosh, there are a lot of them out there. An actual US strat is out of reach of a great many guitarists, but there are a ton of options. And that's great. There are even options that look a little too much like an actual Fender strat, and I think that's the point where most of us feel like it gets a little iffy. That's really the main issue with Behringer's Keystep rip. And it's the context that makes it feel cynical, too, since you look online at the synths Behringer had put out at that point (some original, some "clones" (except, even then, usually with enough actual differences to justify themselves)) and pretty much everyone is using an Arturia Keystep with them. It was a gap in the Behringer line, and one that was ripe for them to make some easy cash by bringing out a competitor that basically did the exact same things just as conveniently. Which, in and of itself, isn't a bad thing at all. But to literally copy the form factor, knob placement, etc... That was a headline grab.
As for the Edge, it might be mostly a copy of the DFAM, but I feel like the budget-conscious synth purchaser and the Moog fanboy sonic experimenter simply aren't spending the same amount of money per item. It's not that there isn't any crossover at all, obviously there is, but it's also not like there are that many DFAM-alike instruments out there, either. If you want a Moog, you're gonna get a Moog. If you want a completely analog drum/bass synth to mess about with to see what the fuss is about, now you have that option.
I might have come across dismissive in my first post, but I think it's a great item. It's also cool that the Crave is getting another identical form factor friend. I'd like to see a whole bunch of semi-modular Crave/Edge sound modules in the future.

Brandon W wrote:you elites.
Re: Behringer Edge
you can guarantee that they already have a subharmonicon on the testing blocks
other thing I kinda like about this was that it was a surprise for so many. They usually drop a hint or two on their clones but for both the crave & edge they just dropped the final product with no hoohar
I also like the fact the edge is being called a "drummer from another maker"

plopswagon wrote:I like teles and strats because they're made out of guitar.
robroe wrote:I dont need a capo. I have the other chords in my tonefingers
Re: Behringer Edge
I wonder how the boutique Muff market is doing now that EHX have reissued their historic variants (and that they are apparently pretty good!).
Re: Behringer Edge
And for reasonable prices, too.
I dunno, it's like I said about the people who buy Moogs and the people that buy Behringers. Of course there's crossover, but how much? Some people really want a fucking Moog. It doesn't matter as much to them if there's another product out there that does pretty much the same thing.

Brandon W wrote:you elites.