After Hurb accidentally lit my Jazz Bass fire, it was always gonna end this way. This just arrived at my door:
Pre-serial-numbers (<1975) but with JB type pickups (>1972) so for now I'm guessing 1973. I'll pull out a pickup sometime to see if it has a date stamp.
Bottom end model (JB420) but the neck shape is lovely and the plywood body looks pretty nice anyway.
New bass - '73 Greco
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Re: New bass - '73 Greco
10 PRINT "Bite Me!"
20 GOTO 10
20 GOTO 10
Re: New bass - '73 Greco
Re: New bass - '73 Greco
I've always liked the "wrong" 70s laminated necks on Gibsons and I especially like a laminated neck(and weirdly enough a one piece ash body) on this Jazzbass, congrats!
matte30is wrote:Someone man up and get a balloon.
Re: New bass - '73 Greco
I’ve heard really good things about the Greco stuff. That looks great!
Re: New bass - '73 Greco
Yeah it's plywood - about 5-6mm plies. The giveaway is that the arm contour and the belly cut are painted solid black to hide the layers. On the plus side it's really light and pretty. Sounds good and the neck is right in my zone (although maybe the SX is even better?).