i've had a mexican 2012 'Pawn Shop' Mustang Special for years and always had problems with the G/3rd string going out of tune and just general intonation issues overall. as close as i could get it, it just never seemed "just right". i can't even imagine how much time i've spent fighting with this thing, i don't think i'd be exaggerating to say that at least half the time i'm playing it feels "off" and i'm checking the tuning. again. i've got a couple 80s mij guitars that always stay in tune and are a joy to play.
anyway, i've been playing the Mustang for about a year now minus the B and high E strings. (i guess that's a conversation in itself.) love it, but it was a little too flexible and there's always that "twang" of the unwound string in contrast to the rest. that's generally fine, but i wanted to see what a wound G/3rd set was like.

the weird thing is that i went from .10's to .11's thinking they'd be fine, but they're not sitting all the way down in the nut slots. i bought some .10's with a wound 3rd, and would appreciate the flexibility, but i'm afraid to change anything now.