Not long ago, I tried the Seafoam Green Metallic Toronado. The guitar played decent though the pickups were not that great and would definitely need to be upgraded.
Yesterday, I tried a Squier Cyclone in White/Red pickguard.
Like the Tornado, it played decent though could due with some new .11 strings. I am not sure if I like 24.75" scale Fender/Squier guitars even though I love 25.5' and 24" scale models. The pickups were okay but it would be super satisfying to drop 3 Jaguar pickups into the guitar. The pickup switching impressed me on the Cyclone. I love the low profile Jaguar switches. I don't own a Strat and all my guitars are 2 pickups configurations. I really loved the middle pickup by itself, neck + Bridge, and some of the sounds were fun. It didn't blow me away but the pickup combinations make me wonder if a proper setup and some new pickups could make a really cool option.
I used to own a Black Squier Super-sonic and forgot why I sold it. I grabbed one of the new ones and immediately remembered why I sold the other one. The body is just not comfortable for me as is the neck. I hate it because I love how these guitars look.
I love that Squier keeps making these guitars, I just haven't found one that really got me excited enough to pull the trigger on one. I tried a used Squier CV Mustang that played fantastic that I liked better than two LPB Vintera Mustangs. (Both tremolos on those Vintera Mustangs were setup completely not setup properly)
I did spot a used Fender Toronado with the racing stripes I didn't have time to check it out.