New amp - an Emprize AC18 with power scaling and a Celestion Gold, 10 Watt Cornell Romany, 18 watt Marshall 1958X with a Weber attenuator, Surfy Bear (daft name) reverb tank/pedal and an ABC box that has the reverb running into it and the three amps running out.
That’s the setup I now have out all the time, and it covers most of the sonic ground I’d want. I’ve got a few pedals but they only get used rarely and a Fender Mustang headphone amp for silent play (really impressed with it).
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I can’t see the pic you’ve posted, but he only put pictures of the amp on Facebook yesterday, after he’d fixed the couriers damage so it probably is mine.
In terms of loudness, with the power scaling at its highest it is louder than the Cornell at 1/8 watt but quieter than the Cornell at 1/4 watt. Just about loud enough that it drowns out the acoustic sound of the strings, if that helps. I don’t get much use from an amp that needs to be loud to start sounding good, hence all three have either power scaling or attenuation.
It would probably be a little quieter with a greenback or similar, but it sounds so good with the gold. I’ve got either 1x10 or 2x10 in each of the amps (Jenson in the tweed, Celestions in the Marshall) so if the impedance is the same I could swap speakers around at some point I suppose.
Ah, of course, the power scaling. Suppose it makes sense to go with the speaker that has the best voice for the amp, if you can always add or remove volume by other means.
Dunno what happened to my post, I tried to link directly to a facebook post but it seems to have tried to embed it somehow and cocked it up. If you really wanted to, you could quote my post to see it, then copy the text. But it's just pictures of your amp.