Pickup options for a Strat project
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Pickup options for a Strat project
I’ve got a Strat project on the go, a Squier Japan neck and a Strat copy body. It plays and sounds pretty good, but the pickups are microphonic, especially the middle one so I’m looking for some cost effective replacements that are made like a real Strat pickup, not the ceramic bar magnet style that this wears, has anyone got any suggestions/recommendations. Also any trem replacement suggestions, vintage style, import spacing?
Re: Pickup options for a Strat project
Q pickups are really good, but their prices seem to have gone up a fair bit since I got my strat set a couple of years ago. I’ve got their Alnico 3 50s set which is great.
Re: Pickup options for a Strat project
Yeah, the market's really shifted since I built my strat (pre-Brexit, Torygeddon etc). I was about to recommend Rose Pickups, but they're out of business now, plus importing from the states isn't viable any more I feel.
Grey-bottom U-stamped Tokai pickups are the best strat pickups I've heard; my Rose Robustas are pretty much a copy of them: Alnico V, 6kish.
Grey-bottom U-stamped Tokai pickups are the best strat pickups I've heard; my Rose Robustas are pretty much a copy of them: Alnico V, 6kish.
- plopswagon
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Re: Pickup options for a Strat project
Some people swear by pieces of potato shaped into a pickup shape and shoving bits of refrigerator magnets in them.
Re: Pickup options for a Strat project
How cheap are we looking for here? GFS level?
I can't recommend Bulldog enough. Not the quickest turnaround, but proper handmade bespoke pickups from about £55 each. Great value for that.
I can't recommend Bulldog enough. Not the quickest turnaround, but proper handmade bespoke pickups from about £55 each. Great value for that.

Re: Pickup options for a Strat project
Bulldog are a definite option, as are a couple of local companies,Toltec and Bloodstone. I’d prefer to keep under £100 for the set though, which probably puts Bulldog out for this particular project.
I might try the potato and fridge magnet idea though…
I might try the potato and fridge magnet idea though…
Re: Pickup options for a Strat project
You could try Entwistle pickups if you want cheap and cheerful: LINK
I’ve had a couple of the humbuckers which were decent, and Doog then bought from me for a HH strat project I believe.
I’ve had a couple of the humbuckers which were decent, and Doog then bought from me for a HH strat project I believe.
Re: Pickup options for a Strat project
If you like the sound of your current pickups you might try and wax pot them... with paraffin. I've read that even some boutique pickup makers use paraffin as it's less PITA to deal with than wax. You might destroy them during the process or not. It could be a fun little project.
matte30is wrote:Someone man up and get a balloon.
Re: Pickup options for a Strat project
Sub-£100, I suppose we're looking firmly at Artec. Value, but always feel like a bit of a gamble to me. They're nearly always great for the money spent, but not always necessarily top-end and I always feel like there are so many variations and rebrands that it's hard to know what it is you're actually getting.
What do second hand CV pickups go for? Seem like they'd somehow feel appropriate for the build that it is, although I don't know if they're cheap.
A second hand set of Wilkinsons? They've always sounded pretty good to me.
That, or bro-deals.
What do second hand CV pickups go for? Seem like they'd somehow feel appropriate for the build that it is, although I don't know if they're cheap.
A second hand set of Wilkinsons? They've always sounded pretty good to me.
That, or bro-deals.

Re: Pickup options for a Strat project
Sub-£100, I reckon you'd easily get quite a decent set on eBay/thefretboard. Fender Fat 50s are stealthily brilliant, and match the pickups I was banging on about above.
Re: Pickup options for a Strat project
I've just had an offer sent to me on ebay for a set of the Toltec ones. Handwound in the uk, 50's spec for £75 shipped. I'm not sure I'm going to beat £25 a pickup?
Artec are a good shout otherwise, although they are a bit hit or miss. Secondhand stuff like CV pickups tends to get listed for excessive prices on eBay, but it's a good idea. I'm considering Wilkinson for a build that needs P90s, and that's likely where I'll get the trem for this too.
Tim - I've not really visited thefretboard before. Looks like a classifieds my wallet would want me to stay away from.
Artec are a good shout otherwise, although they are a bit hit or miss. Secondhand stuff like CV pickups tends to get listed for excessive prices on eBay, but it's a good idea. I'm considering Wilkinson for a build that needs P90s, and that's likely where I'll get the trem for this too.
Tim - I've not really visited thefretboard before. Looks like a classifieds my wallet would want me to stay away from.
Re: Pickup options for a Strat project
You might, but not at that quality I would suggest. Do that.
The Wilkinson P-90s I have in my fretless are excellent.

Re: Pickup options for a Strat project
Yeah, really like 'em! Have still yet to do the coilsplitting I aimed to, but one day!
Based on personal experience, you might have more luck getting a bargain on FB Marketplace; eBay takes a big cut and it's more faff than using the 'Place, and ultimately becomes diminishing returns for a quick cheap sale, so people pump prices. I got some CV Jag pickups on Marketplace deal there (obvo you have to request postage, but can get Paypal to cover the transaction if you're that worried, so maybe worth a punt.
The good thing about Marketplace is that since it's tied to your personal profile, you'll get shysters, or at least it's a lot easier to identify them first. I don't think anyone's luckily to be running a scam involving budget OEM parts.
- plopswagon
- cutesy tag
- Posts: 18906
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Re: Pickup options for a Strat project
Entwistle pickups?

Re: Pickup options for a Strat project
Thanks for the input guys. I went for the Toltec ones, and fitted them last night, pretty impressed so far. Here’s a pic, but all it really shows is that I don’t own a matching set of covers that would fit
A new nut and I’ll call this done I think. I was thinking about replacing the trem for a better one, but as I don’t use it on this guitar I don’t think it would make any difference to the sound.

A new nut and I’ll call this done I think. I was thinking about replacing the trem for a better one, but as I don’t use it on this guitar I don’t think it would make any difference to the sound.
Re: Pickup options for a Strat project
If it plays well, the pickup covers and knobs not matching doesn't matter and Ilikeit as is. What is the history behind the decal on the hedastock?
matte30is wrote:Someone man up and get a balloon.
Re: Pickup options for a Strat project
It’s my surname. I never think a guitar looks right without a decal so I’ve used these for any parts casters I’ve built.
Re: Pickup options for a Strat project
I actually like the mismatched covers for some reason. Reckon a mint guard would look great on it, too.

Re: Pickup options for a Strat project
I've darkened it a bit in that pic, but I'm not super happy with the result and it's a bit tight too. It's better than the bright white it is naturally. I may get a replacement that fits a bit better though, not sure yet.
You are right about the guard, mint would be great, but I doubt the existing guard is a standard Fender/Squier Strat pattern.
Re: Pickup options for a Strat project
Is it just me or is the string spacing at the nut a bit weird? Like, there looks to be loads of space above the low e.