i dont laugh at burns victims.Billy3000 wrote:Agreed, let him put a stupid Floyd Rose on there and then when he realizes that he hates it and comes back here asking for advice or talking about how much he hates it, we can all laugh at him!Hurb wrote:well thats the thing boys and girls, some mistakes you gotta make on your own. a kid will only not put his hand in the fire once he actually burns himself doing it, no matter how much hes told it will burn him. ya dig?
Settup Floyd rose
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Dance music for anxious people
No, retarded kids don't listen to people who tell them it's stupid. That's why us clever folk don't walk around with burnt hands. It's an animal instinct to learn by your own devices, us clever people are capable of communicating and sharing experiences. If Icey wants to ignore us, that proves the point that he's stupid.Hurb wrote:well thats the thing boys and girls, some mistakes you gotta make on your own. a kid will only not put his hand in the fire once he actually burns himself doing it, no matter how much hes told it will burn him. ya dig?
He's basing his desire for a Floyd Rose on biased accounts by metal guitarists who love to dive bomb. My first guitar was a Showmaster with a Floyd. I was about as good as Icey at the time, and naturally I had no use for a tremolo like that. Result? I got a new guitar, because that was a hindrance to my learning and playing. Icey mate, if you're only playing powerchords and slowly play scales up and down, you're going to have no use for a tremolo like a Floyd Rose, but I guess it's something for your fat little fingers to twiddle around with for a while.
These reviews you read about it, they're from metal guitarists stuck in the '80s who've naturally been playing for, well 20 years or so. They can use it, you can't.
You don't?Hurb wrote:i dont laugh at burns victims.Billy3000 wrote:Agreed, let him put a stupid Floyd Rose on there and then when he realizes that he hates it and comes back here asking for advice or talking about how much he hates it, we can all laugh at him!Hurb wrote:well thats the thing boys and girls, some mistakes you gotta make on your own. a kid will only not put his hand in the fire once he actually burns himself doing it, no matter how much hes told it will burn him. ya dig?

Nobody said that. It's just that the vast majority of us have tried Floyd Roses and no longer like them. The same results can be acheived without a big ugly piece of metal and plastic being planted on an otherwise good-looking guitar. But I suppose if you're insistent on making an utterly hideous guitar, then it doesn't really matter.iCEByTes wrote:oh how much you guys are ignorant and dont accept have many styles bridge at guitar
ok lets kill all types of tremolos all those shit and all use hardtail ... ok

Brandon W wrote:you elites.
None of us said anything about only using hardtails, although I really don't use the trem so having one is not a necessity to me at all. Also none of us said anything bad about having a variety of bridges. I have 4 guitars with strat trems, 1 with a mustang trem and bronco with that trem. We're all just saying that Floyd Roses are poorly designed because they require too much work for too little gain. I don't have tuning problems with any of my guitars that take 2 minutes to string up as opposed to the 30 minutes minimum that it would take to restring a Floyd Rose guitar. And when it comes out of tune, it's not like it's that noticeable that I can't make it through the song that I'm playing and then retune it, and then retuning it only takes about 10 seconds as opposed to the 15 minutes it would take to retune a Floyd Rose. Also the string breakage issue is definitely important to me, if I'm playing a show and I break a string it only takes about 30 seconds for me to get it restrung and ready to use again. That would be impossible with a Floyd Rose.iCEByTes wrote:oh how much you guys are ignorant and dont accept have many styles bridge at guitar
ok lets kill all types of tremolos all those shit and all use hardtail ... ok
They are poor designs, if you still want one after all this advice from us, go for it, but don't expect us to sympathize for you when you realize how shitty it is!
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Ah, well, there's the rub. Icey is nothing more than a simple troll. That's why he posts here and not at http://www.vhlinks.com/vbforums/index.php or something.BYOB Kenobi wrote:Isnt Icey paying someone to build him an ibanez with a floyd rose trem on it? If so, he'l soon realize how much of a hassle it is to do things like re-tune, re-string etc and then he SHOULD realize that you guys are always right and pointy guitars are disgusting

Brandon W wrote:you elites.
good thread.
My main gigging guitar (Yamaha RGX-321FP) has a floyd rose trem. last week at practise i broke a string, which means that 1) i couldn't finish the practise, and 2) looks like im playing a gig with my jag-stang tomorrow.
It would be easy to knock it; However, i like having a floyd rose on ONE of my guitars. Once it's all setup, its amazing havign a guitar that never goes out of tune (not talking about whammy use, just in general). And i love the fine-tuning pegs, they allow you to get the tuning bang on.
also mine has another huge advantage - when i bend a string, the trem system bends upwards with it, which makes the bend easier. yeh it pulls the other strings out of tune a tiny bit, but it means i can do crazy-fast runs on this guitar that i can't do on any other.
One final point - this guitar is set up with 8s, and it has the best sustain out of all my collection! a good setup is far more important that what bridge the guitar has. that's all.
My main gigging guitar (Yamaha RGX-321FP) has a floyd rose trem. last week at practise i broke a string, which means that 1) i couldn't finish the practise, and 2) looks like im playing a gig with my jag-stang tomorrow.
It would be easy to knock it; However, i like having a floyd rose on ONE of my guitars. Once it's all setup, its amazing havign a guitar that never goes out of tune (not talking about whammy use, just in general). And i love the fine-tuning pegs, they allow you to get the tuning bang on.
also mine has another huge advantage - when i bend a string, the trem system bends upwards with it, which makes the bend easier. yeh it pulls the other strings out of tune a tiny bit, but it means i can do crazy-fast runs on this guitar that i can't do on any other.
One final point - this guitar is set up with 8s, and it has the best sustain out of all my collection! a good setup is far more important that what bridge the guitar has. that's all.