Being the guy he is, Mr Electric Deer had even saved me a bit of a lost cause guitar: a pretty 70s offset from the era when Kawai were buying up parts stock from Teisco and others, slapping them together into instruments and throwing them out the door. This Concert is going to stretch my limited skills but it'll be worth it I hope. Not least because it seems to me, that they invented the Jag-Stang back in 1971:

So far I've used the aluminium foil trick to polish the chrome parts - for those of you who haven't seen it, crumple a small wad of aluminium foil and wet it with a little water. It will scrub corrosion away with the greatest of ease and leave the chrome polished, and can't scratch it either. Apparently the scrubbing exposes fresh aluminium which the water oxidises, forming the finest Al2O3 polishing grit.

Next: the bridge, which is hanging the strings up around 6mm above the fretboard despite a hefty shim. I have a tune-o-matic / ABR bridge from the Jag I bought last year, I think a solution is forming.