The Headrush FRFR 112 is probably also a contender for my modern day stereo rig. Reasons:
1) I have one for my L6 Helix and it's ungodly loud, I got to around 6 of 10 on the dial on the back before getting into "too loud" territory - I live in a detached house currently with two rooms either sides of my music space so "too loud" was "it hurts and this is probably gonna get me in trouble with the Po Po" loud. It's 2000w and they really mean that from the bottom of their hearts
2) It's my bass rig right now, my L6 is set to emulate a Ampeg 8x12 and it does that gloriously, stick a fuzz pedal and a compressor in the chain and it's frigging good clean fun with ya clothes still on
3) It's fucking 350 bucks I nearly bought another just because they are so fucking cheap for what you get and the L6 Helix basically wants to be in stereo
4) Speaker is Neodym so you can carry it one handed, fits in the boot of a coupe car with space for pedalboard and two guitars, all of which you can carry as a normal healthy human for hours on public transit with minimal fatigue (this probably should be higher on the list)
5) It's a wedge shape so it projects fantastically, can be used for fold back if you want to play a mono set and you can't hear yourself/inadequate gear at the venue
6) You can put a pedal amp on your board like ... for-guitar any of the suggestions here and drive it because it's active. I especially am looking at the Walrus Audio for that job if I ever do make a stereo rig, also the Seymour Duncan one gets cracking reviews
7) In a real pinch it accepts two balanced inputs so you and a keyboard/bass player can share a 1x12 if you wanna play in a tube station or summink

There's a 1x10 version which also gets rave reviews and tbth, I might get one of those too just to see what its like
EDIT: Here is the Quilter Pedal Steel cab I lusted over back in the day: ... watts-1x15