I've wanted a Bronco for about 20 years, but couldn't really justify dropping the money with already owning better basses, and ya know... that whole money thing. This was the first time I've seen the all-white version, and the pasty white Squier maple kinda really works with the vibe. It wasn't on sale, but, I grabbed it anyway.

I didn't even plug it in in the store, but a couple days later, I hooked it up to my rig and gave it some tests. The neck feels pretty good, the frets are pretty decent, seems to be holding tune well, and generally feels well constructed. The output jack, however, is somewhat flaky, but, that's not exactly a surprise.
I was on hold most of the morning, so took the time to crack it open and adjust the tensioning arm on the jack. There was a fair bit of sawdust in the cavity, and under the guard, denting the finish, the shielding paint is somewhat haphazard, and the cavity is rough routed... all to be expected.

I'm loving it so far. For whatever reason it's inspiring me to play fairly sludgey, droney stuff thick with OD or fuzz and reverb.