The one thing I'm unsure about is a new SG-style guitar. I've had a Vintage VS6 and a Yamaha SG200 over the years, both of which I regret selling. I've been kind of keeping my eye out for an Epiphone G310 (I love the daft shade of red) or a Bully (I love the massive shovel headstock), but I just got a targeted ad for a Guild Polara, and I'm intrigued!
I've lusted after a Guild S-100 since I saw Stephen Malkmus playing one with the Jicks like 10 years ago. At the end of the set he handed his guitar to my mate Lewis - tragically, Lewis is left-handed so he didn't really know what to do with it.
I didn't realise Guild still made them, but as far as I can tell the Polara basically seems to be the modern equivalent? It's a little more spendy than either of those Epiphone options, but I'm not opposed to spending a bit more. Plus these come in some amazing horrible colours. Case in point...

Sadly I doubt I'll be able to find one locally to try out. So has anyone played one?