I decided to debug the problem yesterday and opened up teh switch:

I was hoping that it was just the lead that was fucked and not the circuitry in the switch or in the amp. It was. I tested continuity between these solder points and the 6 pins of the DIN plug and found 3/6 were fucked.
I tried cutting the cable in half several times, stripping wires at both ends and checking continuity again - turns out this cable is fucked in several places - it's 14 years old and probably got fed up of being wrapped around the pedal box. That's life.
Went to the lab today and nicked some 6core and a 6pin DIN plug.
Let's unsolder the old cable from the PCB points, making note of what goes where:

Booyah motherfucker.
I got the new cable and stripped off a shitload of the plastic screen

Stripped the wires and got those bastards back in there. I taped the wire in this loop to remove strain from those little guys

My DIN socket

That middle section comes apart from the bottom of the plug too. It's tricky as fuck but if you leave the right amount of cable and are careful you can solder this shit yourself. I tinned the wires slightly and slipped them into the ferrules and heated them slightly to solder bond them.

Then i just assembled the jack and plugged her in. Worked first time!
Sorted innit and not a penny spent - very happy!