Then my pal who works there let me try out the Orange Tiny Terror through the matching cab with the Tele- HOLY CRAP it sounded great. The 7/15w switch doesn't make a huge difference, just cleans up the amp a little and adds a bit of low end when the volume is high up.
Quite possibly the best tube head I've ever played, it sounded amazing with the Tele, and would probably be about loud enough to compete with a band with the volume and gain high up. I probably wouldn't use it with a band, but recording and jamming, it'd be great.
Even the tone control was totally useable, it never felt like there were any lows, highs or mids missing on 90% of the dial. Even all the way up, it didn't sound really harsh or anything.
I've just got an application for a crafts/art/electronics shop in town, I pray I get the job, cause I need to buy a Tele and that head now