So...I worked out a trade with some friends at a local shop and got a 70's silverface Musicmaster Bass amp, completely OG, even down to the amp cover (soo cool). It has had a transformer added, but you have to do that to use them in the UK.
I have been keeping an eye on these, and it works out I paid around ?250, which is good for these, most I have seen at that price have been changed in some way, or look a little rough. It's basically a champ with a 12 inch speaker, crap for bass as there is no headroom, but great for guitar. It has a tone knob and a volume knob and thats it, and starts to break up around 5, before then it is a fairly loud fender clean sound, after then it has a lovely overdrive sound, never really distorted. It is amazingly responsive, more so than any other valve amp I have used.
To make yesterday even better, I got my twin back from being fixed. I really missed that clean sound, the Marshall just doesn't cut it clean (but very good dirty)
I'll try and post some pics later