Bargain stompers.
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Bargain stompers.
Ok, I remember a thread a while back, with some super cheap boxes for like $35. I said I could do the same for $30. I then got several PMs with people wanting this or that. I purged my inbox because my PM's with Amy while I was in Cali was taking up a bunch of space, and lost those requests. I need your requests now, so I can begin sorting the parts and such.
NOTE, this is NOT to take orders for the super HURB trem, that is still being designed. I can crank these out here in the meantime. So, if you are serious and want a generic Fuzz/Boost/OD for $30, post here. I can only do a few at the moment, until I get in the groove of doing this, so I want to address the ones that PM'd me before. I have Richie Daggers down for a Fuzz. I know someone else wanted a boost.
Again, please only if you are serious. Post here then I'll PM you for details.
And admin/mods, if this is the wrong section (maybe should be in Whore House) please move it. Thanks and sorry if I put this in the wrong spot.
Thanks Hurb.
OK, I found that old thread, here is what I'm offering:
Fuzz - Much like the Altoids fuzz I did before. Very similar to the fuzz on that site.
Perky Fuzz - teh Albiniz fuzz. I need to do a bit of testing on this one, I have two schems for this pedal that I have to verify. This one might cost $35 depending on the parts.
Clear Boost - What it says. MOSFET LOUDNESS
Overdrive - NOT A TUBESCREAMER. This one should have a flat EQ, using fets.
Perco-OD - The gain stage of the perk, minus clipping diodes, driven by the aforementioned tone network and fet.
No snappy names, just straight out budget work.
NOTE, this is NOT to take orders for the super HURB trem, that is still being designed. I can crank these out here in the meantime. So, if you are serious and want a generic Fuzz/Boost/OD for $30, post here. I can only do a few at the moment, until I get in the groove of doing this, so I want to address the ones that PM'd me before. I have Richie Daggers down for a Fuzz. I know someone else wanted a boost.
Again, please only if you are serious. Post here then I'll PM you for details.
And admin/mods, if this is the wrong section (maybe should be in Whore House) please move it. Thanks and sorry if I put this in the wrong spot.
Thanks Hurb.
OK, I found that old thread, here is what I'm offering:
Fuzz - Much like the Altoids fuzz I did before. Very similar to the fuzz on that site.
Perky Fuzz - teh Albiniz fuzz. I need to do a bit of testing on this one, I have two schems for this pedal that I have to verify. This one might cost $35 depending on the parts.
Clear Boost - What it says. MOSFET LOUDNESS
Overdrive - NOT A TUBESCREAMER. This one should have a flat EQ, using fets.
Perco-OD - The gain stage of the perk, minus clipping diodes, driven by the aforementioned tone network and fet.
No snappy names, just straight out budget work.
Last edited by Pens on Mon Apr 02, 2007 1:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
euan wrote: I'm running in monoscope right now. I can't read multiple dimensions of meta right now
Re: Bargain stompers.
its fine here penpen. once your more up and running you can setup and aug styled thread in the whorehouse if you like and we can stickie it.PenPen wrote:
And admin/mods, if this is the wrong section (maybe should be in Whore House) please move it. Thanks and sorry if I put this in the wrong spot.
Dance music for anxious people
Dance music for anxious people
I have no idea what it costs to ship to the UK. If anyone has any experience with shipping small MXR type boxes to the UK please speak up. The cases will be Aluminum, I highly doubt they will weigh much at all.
As far as sounds, unfortunately I cannot provide sound clips right now. Each one that is built I will be making recordings of but for the time being I am just starting this up, so I do not have sounds clips right now. I have lots of parts to turn into pedals, but I am lacking multiple sets of things like jacks. I need to order some more parts to do multiple copies but I can produce about 2 or 3 with what I have right now.
As far as sounds, unfortunately I cannot provide sound clips right now. Each one that is built I will be making recordings of but for the time being I am just starting this up, so I do not have sounds clips right now. I have lots of parts to turn into pedals, but I am lacking multiple sets of things like jacks. I need to order some more parts to do multiple copies but I can produce about 2 or 3 with what I have right now.
euan wrote: I'm running in monoscope right now. I can't read multiple dimensions of meta right now
if you want to send me prototypes penpen i would be happy to demo them for you
Dance music for anxious people
Dance music for anxious people
Well, that is part of it. While it is common practice to have clones done in this industry, I still feel a bit odd with this venture of producing DIY circuits for profit. I could name names of what I'm going to use, but again that makes me feel slimy. It also opens me to the potential of trademark infringement, so I'm avoiding doing that. For the fuzz, it WILL be the Bazz Fuss circuit, with a few minor adjustments. We should all know what the Perky Fuzz will sound like. The other two you should be able to locate on some common sites. I can verify how close my version will sound to those, if YOU locate them.
euan wrote: I'm running in monoscope right now. I can't read multiple dimensions of meta right now
You shouldn't, dude- loads of people (including myself) like the idea of a slightly more "mysterious" pedal, possibly even tweaked a little to their liking, but don't have the time, patience or resources to make it themselves. I'd be more than happy to may someone for their time to make me something.PenPen wrote:While it is common practice to have clones done in this industry, I still feel a bit odd with this venture of producing DIY circuits for profit.
Serves them big companies right for such high RRPs anyways

I'm going to do some test building tomorrow. I just decided yesterday to roll up my sleeves and do this, so I'm sorting out the "product line" right now. I can say there WILL be an OD there, and I am aiming for an overdriven Fender sound. The clean boost will sound, well like your guitar does but louder. The Perky will sound like a trashy fuzz. And the Fuzz will sound like a blatty fuzz. I will work on making sound clips tomorrow.
euan wrote: I'm running in monoscope right now. I can't read multiple dimensions of meta right now
i would be fairly intrested in a chunky funky monkey overdrive..iam fairly embarrassed that iam useing a ds-2 on a very low setting as a gritty od/slight dirty boost at the moment. although i really like the sound of it..haveing a penpen od that could do a similar thing would make me feel just swell.
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Dance music for anxious people
- theshadowofseattle
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Correct. I'm making a list this time, as I finish up prototypes I'll make sound clips and take serious orders.theshadowofseattle wrote:Perky fuzz, based on the Harmonic Perc. like that Dano? I'm interested!
euan wrote: I'm running in monoscope right now. I can't read multiple dimensions of meta right now
- ManInTheTrashCan
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How about a Ring Mod? I was reading about this LMC567 chip that people have been using and it sounded interesting. Or something simpler if you don't want to do that like the old Dan Armstrong Green Ringer.

paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.
- Fran
- The Curmudgeon
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+1. I know its time consuming myself, nobody works for nothing.Doog wrote:You shouldn't, dude- loads of people (including myself) like the idea of a slightly more "mysterious" pedal, possibly even tweaked a little to their liking, but don't have the time, patience or resources to make it themselves. I'd be more than happy to may someone for their time to make me something.PenPen wrote:While it is common practice to have clones done in this industry, I still feel a bit odd with this venture of producing DIY circuits for profit.
Serves them big companies right for such high RRPs anyways
I may be interested in a fuzzbox when your up and running pen. Something along the lines of a univox superfuzz or roland bee-baa would be cool.
YES. You were the other one that PM'd me right away. Ok, you and Ritchie Daggers are first. I will PM you when I have the units built and ready to ship.lamp wrote:Glad you've decided to do this. As per my PM I'd definitely take an Overdrive and Clean Boost off you.
Everyone else, I will PM in order of their posting.
euan wrote: I'm running in monoscope right now. I can't read multiple dimensions of meta right now