Strat body.... don't hate me!
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I am a fan of mint on burgandy myself. Then again, that'd defeat the purpose of not just buying a complete 60's strat from the get go like I did.
I'd like to see it with the pickguard in better lighting. It actually looks pretty cool from here but because of the dark photo it's so hard to tell if it works or not.
I'd like to see it with the pickguard in better lighting. It actually looks pretty cool from here but because of the dark photo it's so hard to tell if it works or not.

here's a pic with more brightness. Honestly, it doesn't do it justice, the red tort is no way that bright. It's somewhere between the two pics, but i can definitely get where red tort can go wrong. It was risky, but im glad it worked. I was mostly inspired by this jag for the combination. It looks awesome with the chrome. It's an overused material but I chose it because it really complements the black pearl on LPB with Black robroes on my compstang.

Check out how that burgundy mist overpowers the entire picture
'sall good. I actually bought the stang from the shop that way, I like it. Can't really imagine another material on it. I'm interested in some ideas, regardless.ekwatts wrote:Nick's pretty salty, but he's pretty right.Nick wrote:All your guitars have the wrong pickguards.
I've got faith in the strat. I really wanted to depart from a mint guard even though that was the original plan. life is a risk hombre.
As a matter of fact, I used to have a strat copy set up with the exact same color scheme as that mustang. Blue with stripe, black moto pickguard. It really did look horrible, but at the time I thought it was cool.
I'd go with white or white pearl on the stang.
The tort on burgandy mist doesn't look THAT bad, but because it's so much darker in contrast to the body, it looks a bit odd.
I'd go with white or white pearl on the stang.
The tort on burgandy mist doesn't look THAT bad, but because it's so much darker in contrast to the body, it looks a bit odd.
I like the red/burg wifs whitey covers. I think it looks fresh and maybe even redeems that pimpness color. I do think a white pearl or mint guard would look nice on the Mustang, but it's yours and if you like it,you should keep it as is. My LPB Mustang is going to have faded piss white pearly.
Here's the Strat deal of the week in Chocolate City.
I think his ad would be funnier wis stains on the sheet. He's practically giving the guitar away, so nothing will deter the sale.
Here's the Strat deal of the week in Chocolate City.
I think his ad would be funnier wis stains on the sheet. He's practically giving the guitar away, so nothing will deter the sale.
Yell Like Hell
can i get this thread moved to the projects section, if possible?
it's almost near completion. Just need a nice set of pickups and some white robroes. A friend of mine gave me his knobs off a fender blender...i jus had to slap em on there. The 4th knob is now on my coral '51 (would it be possible to move that thread too? It's still in progress

it's almost near completion. Just need a nice set of pickups and some white robroes. A friend of mine gave me his knobs off a fender blender...i jus had to slap em on there. The 4th knob is now on my coral '51 (would it be possible to move that thread too? It's still in progress