True enough, there's so much knowledge on there if you ask a question about like tube amps or impedance of cabs or whatever but they're retardedly snobbish about gear.
I was messing around on the amp earlier on with my board finding new sounds for some of the new tracks we're working on at the moment and figured I should take some pictures because I'm a nerd. I'm no Harry and I've only just realised my ancient digital camera has a "close-up" mode, but meh.
I've done a Hurb and changed things again. Added in a Tuna Melt and a Dynacomp + a borrowed Crybaby that may go on permanent loan.
I'd just got some Klotz La Grange cable to make myself a new cable and one for a friend. The cable is really nice and thick. It's got that feeling of quality to it. I made a patch cable out of some of the remaining cable.
Neutrik right angled jacks on the Klotz and Switchcraft on the other. The La Grange cable and the Neutrik jacks are a bit too hardcore for pedals I think.
Cables under board=cool. I'm thinking about making up a pedal board for easier storage and clearing up floor space in my room. The hiding cables thing is something I'm interested in.