in my somewhat limited experience, well with my amp which is 50 watts all tube, single channel, but i can't get clean headroom at all with it beyond about 3, let alone with a drummer.
but maybe that's just because it's a gainy kind of amp.
deadonkey wrote:in my somewhat limited experience, well with my amp which is 50 watts all tube, single channel, but i can't get clean headroom at all with it beyond about 3, let alone with a drummer.
but maybe that's just because it's a gainy kind of amp.
More likely the bias is out of whack and the tubes are oldass- I think those Roosts were old Marshall clones.
Me too, that one I tried sounded soooooo good. Unfortunately, I could never justify spending so much on a head for home practise and occassional recording, it'd just be one more "mouth to feed" in regards of retubing and whatnot.
I usually use a big overdriven sound, but I'd want to be able to go clean if the mood took me. I'd like to know that I can write clean stuff without worrying how to do it live.
On saying that, I'm probably not going to be gigging any time soon. Bacchus is completely dead, before it got properly going, sniff...