Everytime I get drunk I buy a piece of gear. Im such a retard.
I was out with my flatmates having an April 1st drink and they turned into a few more and I just bought a fucking Phase 90 off eBay. I've got a half built one sitting in my drawer. WTF.
Man I need to stop drinking the heavy this month.
In other news the drunkness made me ask a girl out. No clue what the answer yet it. Heres hoping
Amy bought me a DOD 201 phaser (same as phase90) for my birthday a while back, and I was really unimpressed with the phase. If you are making a clone you should make some modifications to bring out more depth.
euan wrote:
I'm running in monoscope right now. I can't read multiple dimensions of meta right now
Aye it's interesting to compare. The is a nice difference between my DOD 250 clone and my actual 250. My distorts a lot sooner and isn't actually as loud. Sounds different as well when it does distort, a lot smoother.
Probably by accident, I didn't have actual parts at the time and just substituted at random.
dots wrote:in my case, i got way drunk in CELEBRATION of purchasing the jvm. should be here friday!
oooh, so you decided to get one. and you didn't buy it from me to make me look good in front of the boss, eh? THANKS MAN! haha, jk. congrats on the purchase
Being in love, I've found, is a lot like working at a factory - eventually, you get replaced by either a foreigner or a machine...
And don't worry euan, I've done that altogether far too much. Sometimes I double book myself on gigs because I get tickets to two the same night. Which means I am a retard.
Mike wrote:And don't worry euan, I've done that altogether far too much. Sometimes I double book myself on gigs because I get tickets to two the same night. Which means I am a retard.
I was freaking out a bit because I thought Slint was at the same time as Shortscale UK 2007, but thankfully it is the week after. As much as I'd like to meet you guys, you'll lose out to Pajo.
Anyway, you guys missed out the important thing. I asked the hot Irish girl out.
Ain't had a reply yet, heavy texting and all. Indications are it'll be a yes, but I prefer to be a bit cautious about it all. Some friends have been trying to set us up, but I became a bit impatient with it all and decided to ask her.
Aye mate. I haven't seen her in like two weeks because she is an art student, who weirdly actually seems to do work. So shes either been back in Belfast, working or in her studio, so I haven't had the chance to ask her in person.