Doog wrote:That looks fuckin' great, man. How much in parts do you reckon it cost you?
How does it stand up to "the real thing", presuming you've played one?
i'd say by now its been at least 800 dollars, but the headcase was given to me for my last birthday so i didn't pay for that bit. the guy from metroamp sells a fully loaded kit with everything you need for a grand... we managed to do a bit cheaper by just snagging the bare essentials and getting the components ourselves. but it stands up REAL well to my plexi and to the superleads i've played in shops (not very loud obviously), which makes it a good deal as the 1959HW re-issue goes for around 3 grand over here... we went mega-authentic with the capacitors and resistors, and used heyboer transformers, and went from schematics of the real thing coupled with instructions by a guy who's reverse-engineered a billion of these things. building it ourselves has put it in the price-range of a modern marshall and not into ker-azy vintage RI or boutique territory, which is what a pre-built version of the same amp would run.
overall, it's not like getting a plexi for super-cheap, but you're certainly saving MOST of the money usually involved in getting one, and having an experience, and an amp with a story behind it. also, because we put it together ourselves, it's always in the back of my mind that if i want to change SO-AND-SO i'll just open 'er up and switch out THIS'n'THAT, etc... looking forward to experimenting with different bright caps on input I and maybe trying out a different value negative feedback resistor.
i also learned how to bias all of my amps through the course of this, so that's always good.