Now we've finally got some daylight in the house here is a better picture..
Thanks for all the comments.
As for the questions, i think the HH models may be cheaper perhaps because the design has'nt sold as well as Fender predicted, if this model would have been available back in Kurdtz day it would have sold effortlessly. Ultimately people like things to be traditional so the standard Jag will always be seen as the
proper Jag and of course people feel they are getting more for their money with the tremelo system and may overlook the advantages/disadvantages of trems and non trem guitars.
I'll be honest, them humbuckers are not great but neither are they bad. Anyone that respects tone, valve amps and diversity will want to upgrade.
I glanced at the pots and i think they are 250k's but not positive, the rewire is simple. You have a 'hot' and 'ground' on each control plate.
The hardest part is finding screws the right length to hold the pups down, the routes are deeper than normal to accomodate humbucker pup screws and foam needs to be added to get the correct height.
I dont miss the whammy at all because i'm not a regular user, plus the TOM seems to contribute towards sustain.
All in all i am very happy with this purchase, like paul pointed out i'm a bit spoilt for choice now though.