Reading on the Orange forum, seems that they have subtly changed the switching on the Tiny Terrors, and was just curious to see what version you guys had.
Seems that the new version which will be standard going forward has the standby on the 7/15W switch not the power switch.
You should go through a standby phase both times really - unless you're going to work on the amp and then you should go straight to off to discharge the caps.
I do:
Power off -> Standby
Leave two minutes
Standby -> Play
Play -> Standby
Wait a minute, pack up cables etc.
Standby -> Off
Mine is Old school switches and placement. I read this on HC aswell - this is the word from Orange: "All new Tiny Terrors will be set up this way from now on. This was a design change that improves the design as well as implement a switch that was more readily available."
I dunno what they mean by improve the design - whatever - I guess it's just cheaper.
Last edited by Mike on Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
The more dangerous configuration I would think as you could easily forgot to drop it back into standby in a hurry. But ah well, I'm sure Orange will be taken customers feedback into consideration.
It switches between power voltages to the Power tubes and other parts of the amp.
Clever guy wrote: ...selecting a different HV tap on the PT secondary. One leg remains tied to one side of the bridge rectifier, the other side has two taps and the switch selects between them. The result is something like 250VDC rather than about 325VDC.
I go into standby to switch it, but it shouldn't be a problem to hot switch it.
Duh me, I didn't realise the original power switch had a standby setting as well, I thought it was like those Epiphone amps- just off and "wait a minute, k?" on.
paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.
Doog wrote:Duh me, I didn't realise the original power switch had a standby setting as well, I thought it was like those Epiphone amps- just off and "wait a minute, k?" on.
Doog wrote:Duh me, I didn't realise the original power switch had a standby setting as well, I thought it was like those Epiphone amps- just off and "wait a minute, k?" on.
the pro jr is like that, too.
Except the Pro Junior, is awesome, and is as such excused.