I got all my parts, and it's fully routed now. I did all the cavity routing free hand, cause I was too lazy to make a template.
Here's a coat of sanding sealer
I decided playing my jazzmaster is more fun than wathcing paint dry, so I put it all togather and strung it up.
I don't know how I lived my life without a jazzmaster
light rail coyote wrote:I decided playing my jazzmaster is more fun than wathcing paint dry, so I put it all togather and strung it up.
I don't know how I lived my life without a jazzmaster
hahah are you serious? You're gunna keep it that way?
light rail coyote wrote:Nah, I Just wanted to play it really really badly, and make shure everything lined up ok with the strings on it, and the electronics all worked
ahh okay. It's pretty cool that way, but after all that work I'd figure you'd want it looking purty
Uh, hulloo? Pics! I think that's smart anyway to make sure it's all in order. Fuck. I am three seconds too late tonight. Now there's pics. Looks swell!
You do nice work. How would you like Aug for your new boss?
DGNR8 wrote:Uh, hulloo? Pics! I think that's smart anyway to make sure it's all in order. Fuck. I am three seconds too late tonight. Now there's pics. Looks swell!
You do nice work. How would you like Aug for your new boss?
Thanks, I learned a whole lot doing this one, and I will improve a lot of little stuff when I build my girlfriend's.