
My plan

It might look something like this, but perhaps it needs more curvature in the sides.
Just something simple.
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the Pepto-bismal Mustang ?mezzio13 wrote:That pink one that was on ebay last year was awesome! Plus Kahler's rule.iCEByTes wrote:poor ibanez maybe i bought an 1967 mustang and do Kahler + Humbuckers just for laught ass of Vintage lovers
Kahler Tremolo Sytem , Cam TremoloTweez wrote:Is that a Trilogy bridge Icey?
that is an amazing idea !!!mezzio13 wrote:Icey got it. I wish I had stamping capabilities, I could deal with a control plate like this...
Concentric pot up at the top, could even fit in a mini switch, if you worked it out enough....