It's definitely not a problem Altanon, you had nothing to do with it and were nothing be fair and helpful. Stick around!bob wrote:It's not a problem, that guy was just being a spacka. I dont think anyone has a problem with that forum, just that guys attitude.
RME Fireface 800 or Mackie Onyx 1640 w/Firewire???
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No dude, if we wanted you gone, we'd do it ourselves!Altanon wrote:Thanks Mike. Yeah, I guess I should have known it would be a problem, but it never occured to me.Mike wrote:Altanon is a good guy. He was cool to me throughout the whole drama and I'm sure that place is going to be a great forum now that he's on board moderating along with some other guys.More Cowbell wrote:Aren't you one of the mods on the Marshall Forum???
I didn't come here to cause problems; I was just looking for good places to hang out online.
I know as a Moderator you can't delete members, but the Administrator can. If me being here isn't a good thing, maybe you could just have him delete me.
Thanks again Mike, and everyone who offered advice.

Anyway...I noticed your avatar on the Marshall Forum, and didn't know if it were you or if that pic was a pic of someone famous IRL. I Wasn't trying to toss a rock at the bee hive.
- Mike
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I feel for you, that's awful that you've been left to take the brunt of his financial inadequacies.Altanon wrote:Thanks. That, at least, is good news. My flatmate, (roommate, for the US reader,) just skipped-out owing the landlord over $2,000.00 and owing me almost $1,500.00 in back utilities.
Looks like the Mackie -- or anything else, for that matter -- is on hold indefinitely. F*ck!
Is there no way you can take any action to recoup this money? I guess not - Bad Karma. Hopefully he won't get far before getting his comeuppence.
No problem. LOL, I wish the person in the pic was of someone famous! 'Fraid it's just me. Who knows, though?More Cowbell wrote: ...Anyway...I noticed your avatar on the Marshall Forum, and didn't know if it were you or if that pic was a pic of someone famous IRL. I Wasn't trying to toss a rock at the bee hive.

Thanks Mike. It's my own fault. Another guy I'd known since High School did the same thing to me about three years ago. When the last guy lost his job, I should have given him the boot. But I've been in that situation a couple of times and that's exactly what they did to me; I wanted to help the guy out.Mike wrote:I feel for you, that's awful that you've been left to take the brunt of his financial inadequacies.
Is there no way you can take any action to recoup this money? I guess not - Bad Karma. Hopefully he won't get far before getting his comeuppence.
Oh well, you live and learn. It's a pity because the next guy might be good as gold, but I'll never give anybody else a chance to screw me again, so I'll never know.
Help! I want out!
Well, anger in this situation is unproductive. Any hope I have, (however slim,) rides on maintaining civility and counting on his guilt to shame him into paying me.Mike wrote:At least you're philosophical about it. Kudos - most people would be smashing stuff up now...
As to smashing stuff up, well, I used to do that until I figured out it was always MY stuff that got destroyed. ('Twould be inconsiderate, not to mention possibly dangerous, to smash up someone else's stuff!)
Yeah, just a cr*ppy photo I had, so I thought I'd play around in Photoshop. Made the “sign� in Illustrator. I didn't take the time to really go into detail with it. (no point with the condition of the photo.)Mike wrote:...hahha @ the pic.
Funny, but just so everyone knows, the sentiment is true!
I am actively looking to emigrate!
Thanks, my friend but, trust me, you don't want to be here. At least you don't live in the largest Police-State in history. It sucks now, and I'm afraid it'll get a lot worse before it gets better. At least I'm an old bastard and I'll be dead before it gets really bad, but I worry for the kids and, even more, for the grandkids.euan wrote:Altanon I'll happily swap citizenships with you. Somethings are sometimes worth it.
But again, thanks.