Doog posted a picture of his speakering gear upon which the manufacturer wrote:
filtercap: Ah yes. Those are hard to get here. I hear they're kind of, uh, low-resolution.
doog: >THWACK<
Ow. Seriously, what are they, tho?
So we reach the black art of Snare Tuning. The guy that owned my basement's previous resident kit liked his snare pretty low and loose, and what with him being a Real Drummer, I more or less matched how his snare sounded. The sound I was going for was "let's see what this sounds like recorded."

I like the loose dark sound for some things, tho looking back I probably should have come up with a super-minimal song arrangement to use that sound with. For the arrangement I ended up with, maybe an early-REM Bill Berry drum sound would be good.
I've read up on about five totally different ways to tune snare drums. After recording these drum tracks a couple weeks ago, I re-tuned both heads. The batter head's now tuned about a fifth higher compared to this track; I don't know how the resonant side compares. It seems like there's less sympathetic buzzing from the rack tom now, I can tighten the snares more and get sounds I like, and I don't need to dampen as much. I use one Moongel on the very edge of the head (Ambassador) unless I'm goofing around with brushes.
Ian wrote:BTW, what is your recording setup?
I'm using Garageband at the moment with a Presonus Firepod as the interface. Monitors = KRK Rokit 5, no subwoofer. Headphones = AKG K240 (older low-volume version).