they started cutting alot of corners and really turning out stuff that was way worse then the mexi squires we have nowadays.
the neck pockets were shit, the wood was really sketchy and altogether they were not wer sound guitars.
but this is one that i worked one yesterday. it was faily atractive cuz of it being so beat up, but at one point it had a floyed rose on it and someone routed it for a humbucker with what looks to me like a drill.

if you can notice at all, the neck pocket it a square and the pickguard covers up the fact that its a crappy neck pocket.

the guy who owns this thing had me do a setup and a fretleveling, he is always racing about his fantasticaly nice vintage u.s. strat.
to be honest, there is nothing about this guitar is nice except the relic look.
everything else needs serious work./ replaced.
but if anything it is a true account of how shitty cbs fender got.