the last sensor in the set (the red one) came today. I was a little disappointed that I went with the non-"fender" one (it doesn't match the others that have a more subtle text and say fender lace sensor). Anyhow, I stained them in coffee to match the rest of the plastic. This setup rules, I have them Gold/Gold/Red. They sond kool. The reason 2 strings are missing is because while the bushings for the klusons got lost somewhere, not because I'm having an aen complex.
In a couple weeks I should have an LR Baggs X-Bridge with CTRL-X preamp as well.
Not as much as I thought it would. The volume change isn't drastic enough to make it impractical, I guess it's somewhat like a cyclone or jag-stang. I'd say it's more like a midrange booster than anything. It cuts through and sustains great, whereas the neck/mid are better for a bluesy type sound. I'm not 100% sold on the red, it might be a little too midrangey for my sound. I'll have to wait and see how it goes next practice before passing judgement.
Position 4 (mid+bridge) is a real sweet spot though