I ended up with a Squier Master Series Thinline Tele from eBay (uk) for ~ £140 some months back.. nice guitar a bit 335 but nothing special...

It then got attacked and now looks like...

KA P90, DiMarzio D-Sonic, 3-way toggle for the D-Sonic's coil tapping (front, HB, rear), Sperzel Locking Tuners, big-assed bridge, straplocks...
worst part of the whole project was the finishing. After stripping the original finish off, the back and sides were stained with (wait for it) brown leather polish. works amazingly well to give a fake rosewood finish.. covered in lots of spray lacquer and then sanded with 400-1600 grade wet/dry, followed by polishing compound. the top and headstock were going to be chrome sprayed, but failed miserably with paint peeling, bubbling and everything else under the sun. I eventually resorted to spraying it black.. which then just looked disgusting.. so figured it couldn't look any worse if I dusted the top with gunmetal spray paint.. which seems to have turned out okay after all.. the weird patches where more spray has been applied kind of add to the effect don't ya think?
admittedly, yes it's a rubbish paint job. it sounds great though - the larger bridge improved sustain no end, whilst the p90 sings. the dimarzio is also a great pickup, though i'm tempted to turn it around and drop the tuning down to C...
worst part is that i don't use the guitar either on preference of strat/jag/mustang for everything.. so if you suddenly see it on ebay or parted out don't be too surprised...
thoughts/comments welcome