ok, so here is some more
becu of the paint fiasco that went on, i was unable to finish it, so im going back up next week sometime to put some finishing coats on it, make a nut and whatever else i can come up with.
this is the dry glue(matching everythingt up without glueing just to check.
i had to basically make my own style of neck pocket for this one, but im pretty sure its structureally sound.
check it.
and here it is after the glue dried.
now check it out, i basically had to spend about 65 for a gallon of lime green paint that im never going to use.
in a nutshell, he gave me wrong shit one day, i went back the next day.
we started fighting, hardcore fighting.
he screwed me over with prices and ripped me off with the new can,
but its ok, becuz in the real world, no one can have the last laugh with me.
i still have the old crappy lime green, and he still has a window front that is untouched, i live about 300 miles away and all he knows is my first name as bob.
so heres the COLOR!!!!