I'm still debating on making the FF clone- I can get all the nasty oscilating sounds I want out of my feedback loop, but I still really love that gated fuzz sound..euan wrote:Big Cheese is the fuzz I want the most.
Best Fuzz Pedal Ever - an absolutist, empirical question.
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I was talking to Tweez about making a stand-alone box for a FF-style Stab control, to go inline between your mains supply and a dirt pedal for that kinda sound. Is this safe and/or would it work?euan wrote:The gated shit is just strangling the power supply to the transistors. My fuzz face copy does it when the batteries die die die.
Probably less, the starve resistor in the Prallel Universe is a 2k2. a 10k the "sweet spot" owuld probably be a real pain to nail down.DuoSonicBoy wrote:Stab control should be plenty safe, you can't mess up a pedal with too little voltage - as long as you don't mess up the polarity or anything. I think the FF just uses a 10k pot in series with the power input.
High quality, low popularity Ecstatic Fury
you can buy a kit from www.olcircuits.comDoog wrote:AEN: MAKE A BIG CHEESE FUZZ CLONE I WULD BUY ONE
inscho wrote:you can buy a kit from www.olcircuits.comDoog wrote:AEN: MAKE A BIG CHEESE FUZZ CLONE I WULD BUY ONE
I don't get a good feeling from cloning for profit.
High quality, low popularity Ecstatic Fury
I have a lot of respect for folks like Zvex, Devi Ever.
If you build, you know how much work it is. Yeah, it's not a lot on parts, but imagine if they paid themselves a decent hourly wage (especially devi) what you'd have to pay for a pedal.
My Squaresnkaes are probably more work than a "simple" fuzz, but it's a good 8-10 hours of work. If i were to make a "living wage" off of these, that's at least 90 bucks in labor. A squaresnakes, for example, is about 40-45 bucks in raw parts. Let alone all the hours of R&D, cost of consumable materials, tools, etc.
I used to think $200 was alot for an awesome pedal, now I know differently.
If you build, you know how much work it is. Yeah, it's not a lot on parts, but imagine if they paid themselves a decent hourly wage (especially devi) what you'd have to pay for a pedal.
My Squaresnkaes are probably more work than a "simple" fuzz, but it's a good 8-10 hours of work. If i were to make a "living wage" off of these, that's at least 90 bucks in labor. A squaresnakes, for example, is about 40-45 bucks in raw parts. Let alone all the hours of R&D, cost of consumable materials, tools, etc.
I used to think $200 was alot for an awesome pedal, now I know differently.
High quality, low popularity Ecstatic Fury
I can understand the premium price for really special, artistic stuff. All the complexity that goes into an OOOOhhh Wah, Seek Trem, Fuzz Probe, RingTone - those pedals aren't overpriced at all.
But something like the SHO, which only has about 12 parts, and all the YAFFs out there - well, they'd have to be really artistic for me to even consider it. For that stuff, I'd just rather make it myself.
But something like the SHO, which only has about 12 parts, and all the YAFFs out there - well, they'd have to be really artistic for me to even consider it. For that stuff, I'd just rather make it myself.