nice tread
filtercap wrote:Given that the letters C, D, and U are all round at one end, that at least two are flat on two sides (or all three depending on the typeface

), and that all three letters can be shallow or tall, thick or thin, rounded or squared ....
Of a C-shape neck, a D-shape neck, and a U-shape neck, which is the deepest? the shallowest? the flattest on the sides? Heh? Is one deep yet sort of squared-off? Is one practically a semicircle? What if I want a Q-shaped neck? With umlauts? Spill it.
here ,
Profiles: A "C," "U," or "V?"
Neck profile (the "shape" of the neck) is probably the most personal element of a guitar. It affects how your hand and fingers "fit" the neck and how easily you can move from fret to fret. From early on acoustic guitars employed some variation of a "C" shape. Electric guitar makers have experimented extensively and a variety of profiles have evolved with the preferences of players. Jeff Beck's favorite Fender Stratocasters had a very fat "C" shape; current models of Fender's Custom Artist Jeff Beck Signature Strat have a smaller "C" to be more player-friendly.
Similar to the "C" is the oval neck profile. This offers a less pronounced curve at the back and has its followers. On the other side is the "U" - an almost-rectangular shape that appeared on many Fenders - perhaps best for players with long fingers. And Eric Clapton has favored a "V" neck that provides a comfortable groove down the middle. A variation on this is the "inverted V," that is thicker on the bass side and thinner on the treble side.
Width is as much a factor in the neck profile as shape, leading some guitar makers to abandon the letter analogy and begin describing profiles as "wide-fat" or "regular-thin" and so on, in which widths are "wide, regular or narrow" and depths range from "fat to regular to thin." This often provides a clearer description of the profile and can help you when you're shopping for guitars online. Parker and Paul Reed Smith use these types of descriptions.
Source : ... -guide.php
More about .....
i posted about the profiles on other topic

wizzard 2
Gonna Add few others picks :
My gritante neck its Wizzard 2 !!! Amazing thin C/D Shape very thin
Another profile Shem
