My new bass rig

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My new bass rig

Post by Billy3000 »

I bought the head a couple weeks ago, but I didn't have a chance to post about it. It's an Ampeg SVT 2 Pro, 300 watts all tube, so it has that classic ampeg sound, and it is absolutely amazing! I don't have a picture of mine but this is what it looks like. I got it used with a flight case for $800, it has been used quite a bit, the case is beat up and had a ton of shitty stickers covering it which we ripped off except for one that says "weaksauce" because we thought it was funny. The amp is clean as hell though and works perfectly.


And then today I picked up one of these:


Mesa Boogie Powerhouse 1000, It's got 4 10 inch speakers and one 15 inch speaker. It sounds so ballsy! I walked in there with the intention of walking out with the ampeg 610 that they had in there, but then I saw this and had been wanting to play one so I played an ampeg SVT classic (same amp as mine except without the EQ) through both of them and the mesa sounded 10,000 times better than the ampeg! The ampeg sounded good and definitely had all the high end that I wanted, but didn't have enough low end. The Mesa had the perfect mix because the 4 10's took care of all the high end, and the 15 punches you in the face with tons of bass! It sounds so damn good! The guy at guitar center actually said that his dream setup would be an SVT 2 pro through that mesa cab, and that was before we told him that I had an svt 2 pro. My setup sounds amazing, I actually have my dream sound right now!

Playing my stingray through this rig sounds like a bunch of dead football players came down from heaven as angels and starting punching you in the face with bass. Seriously, it's awesome!
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Post by paul_ »

nice amp. how much did the cab run you? it looks pretty swanky.
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Post by kim »

nice rig indeed, congrats.

never really liked the mesas i tried (tops)..don't know why.. but having a 15" in yr rig is great you that extra oomph

300watts of all tube bass amp is heaaavvvyy though... that marshall vba a recently tested was 400watts i think, crazy.
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Post by More Cowbell »

Dude I wish I knew you were lookin for a bass rig, the old bass player in my band needs to get rid of his 8x10 ampeg cabinet and head.
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Post by Billy3000 »

The cab only ran my $900 because one of my friends works up there and he knocked off $100 for me and gave me 15 months no interest. I only have to pay guitar center about $300 because we used the guitar player in my band's $612 of store credit that he got for returning his M box pro tools interface. And he owed me $80 anyway, so I'm paying for his share of whatever we have left to pay for recording, and then I'm paying him back for the rest of it when I get some more money.

Cowbell, I probably would have been interested in your friend's rig if I had known about it a couple months ago. But seriously after playing through this mesa cab and then playing the same amp through the ampeg 6x10, the mesa sounded so much better! I wish ampeg made a cab with the same setup as the mesa with the 4 10's and a 15, it's such an awesome combo to have! That 15 really makes a huge difference in the sound. The ampeg just sounded weak compared to the mesa, but I liked the way that the ampeg looked a lot better, but this thing definitely looks pretty cool too.
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Post by BobArsecake »

Blimey, nice :}
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Post by roachello »

Mesa Boogie muy chingon!

Someone gots the monies
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Post by SickenedEmotions99 »

Sick dude! When I still played bass in my last band, I really wanted an SVT and Mesa combo. Totally kickass.
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Post by kim »

Anders uses an svt2 too



.. but, did you really get it for 800 ?? that's a steal.. they usually go for €1800, €2000 at belgian guitarstores because everything's more exspensive here.

i forgot to ask.. the mesa cab.. isn't it super heavy ? does it have casters or something ?

..yeah.. that's about it for now.. :wink:
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Post by Billy3000 »

Yea I got my SVT 2 pro used for $800, it's got it's wear and tear on the outside, but it looks a lot better than the other used ones I've seen, and everything works perfectly fine without any problems so I got a pretty good deal on it.

The Mesa cab is heavy but not that heavy... it's actually lighter than my Peavey 410 cab surprisingly... I think the peavey was filled with concrete and lead though because that thing was ridiculously fucking heavy for only having 4 speakers.

The money that was pumped into my bass rig is the money that was going to go into the Ice blue metallic AV jazzmaster that I was going to buy this summer, but then I started playing bass in this band, so it was more necessary to buy a better bass rig.

On another note, does anybody want to buy my old Peavey Nitrobass halfstack?